7. Go Away

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Debina Bonnerjee ( as Riya👆)

Mayan dropped down on the bathroom floor while keeping his head down. The tears were flowing through his eyes without any restriction. The sound of shower quieten the voice of his cry. He was questioning himself that

Why Does Abhi want him in that way?

Is it not dirty?

Does he not feel ashamed of it?

Outside, Abhi wore his clothes while waiting for him to come out, patiently. All the words said by Mayan was repeating in his mind. He wanted to clear everything but Mayan was not coming out. Slowly he gained courage and knocked on the bathroom's door but didn't get any reply.

"Mayan?" He called him.

"Yes." A slow voice replied
from inside. Abhi attached his ear to the door and said

"Please come out, baby. We need to talk." He pleaded but greeted by a slience. He waited there patiently for some time then held his hand to knock again but the door flew open and there shood Mayan with angry face. Oh god he is looking so sexy with angry face. Abhi thought and licked his lips while looking at him up and down.

Mayan saw that moment and licked his own lips, wants to kiss those sinful lips again but stopped himself before it's too late.

"Abhi please stay away from me." He said and pushed him away.

Abhi frowned and followed him. He capturing his upper arm, swinging around and pushed him against the wall while putting both his hands on the either sides of Mayan, capturing him. He looked dead in his eyes and growled "What do you mean by that, baby?"

"Stop calling me baby!!!!" Mayan shouted and tried to push him away.

"Why? Don't you like it when I call you Baby?" Abhi taunted and closed the difference between them, claiming his lips in a forcefully kiss. Mayan moaned and Abhi smirked. Slowly he tailed down to his neck and sucked on his sweet spot, leaving hickey.

"Ab-Abhi please leave me." Mayan whined but came out a moan and it encouraged Abhi to suck there hard.

"You only want my body, Abhi." Mayan whimpered and it stopped Abhi. Slowly he released him and placed both his hands on Mayan's cheeks.

"No Mayan. It is not the truth. You're special." Abhi replied generously while helding his eyes which turned red.

"I'm not special. I'm a sinner and You." Mayan point his finger on Abhi and continued, "You only wants my body. We don't know each other form a long time. It has been only a month from when I shifted here. How can you say that you don't want my body? It's a rubbish, Abhi. Go and get a girl to fulfil your body needs. I can't do that. I am not a woman to fulfil your dirty needs. Go." Abhi looked at him in shocked with gaping mouth like a fish. He never expected this from his sweet Mayan. This statement hit him hard and bleed his heart. How this lovely moments turned so cold? He thought and removed his hands.

Mayan pushed him away and moved away. Abhi stood there still trying to control his feelings and said softly

"Mayan we still need a talk. Please sit____"

"No. Get lost otherwise I will go." Mayan threatened, leaving no chance for Abhi to say anything. With a heavy sigh Abhi moved out of the room but not before taking a last glace of Mayan.

"I am sorry baby." Abhi whispered to himself as a tear rolled down from his eyes. He never thought that Mayan was thinking so little of him. He wanted to argue with him but the pain in Mayan's eyes stopped him to do that. How can a pure soul like Mayan said himself a sinner?

With a heavy heart and teary eyes, Abhi moved outside the house and walked away.

When the door closed behind Abhi, Mayan fell down on the floor in a fatal position and start crying. Abhi's fragrance was still wrapped around his body, he could still feel him. But he couldn't do anything, afraid of getting hurt, to make his parents disappointed in him. He came here for a better future,  but in a relationship with a guy was the least thing he wanted. He had to stay away from him. With that thought he drafted towards the sleep while crying his eyes out.


"Where is Abhi?" Ravi asked, mouth full of food, Vivek gave him disapproval glare and looked in Mayan's direction with worry. Abhi's name made Mayan panic. It had been a week from Abhi left him alone. He wanted to call him but what would he say to him?

Slowly Mayan placed his spoon down and gave a small smile to others, wishing them good night and walked towards his room. With every step to his room, a tears rolled down from his face. Once inside, he laid down while looking at the ceiling, thinking about his happy time spend with his family, missing them and their smiling face specially his Angel. Suddenly he realised that he had not called them today and they might be worried about him. With a promise to call them in the morning to himself, he slept.

That night Abhi had not only walked out from their room but also from this house. He did not come back since that day. Everyone wanted to know about it but Mayan's saddened face stop them from asking. Since that day Mayan's nightmare got worst, before he had them frequently but now, he had them every night. Last night his screams woke up everyone. Everyone rushed to his room, woke him up and stay there till he fell asleep again.

Vivek wanted to ask him about nightmares but he knew that Mayan was not only worried from his dreams but also for Abhi. Others also notice how Mayan looked at Abhi's things, missing him. But they stayed quiet.

Mayan had dark circles from sleepless nights. He stopped going to college from last two days. Riya came here everyday to help him with their college's work. She even tried to take him out but he refused. He wanted to stay inside the house, his dreams were eating him from inside.


It was past 1 am in the morning when Mayan's room door opened without making any noise. A dark figure stood there, looking at his Angel who was curled into a ball, sleeping like a baby. Slowly that figure approached him and sat down besides his sleeping figure. Abhi was looking at Mayan's face softly, he came back to take his things and moved out but also wanted to see his Angel one last time before leaving, that's why he chose night time when everyone were sleeping.

He wanted to kiss his pink lips but stopped himself. He cherished his face with his fingers because of darkness he was unaware of Mayan's dark circles. The only thing he knew that his Angel was lying there and he was cherishing his face. After looking at him for a long time, with a sigh he stood up and start packing his bags without making any noise. It took him an hour to pack all of his belonging.

When he was ready to move out, he turned around and approached  Mayan's bed, bending down without any thoughts, he claimed his lips in slow but a sweet kiss and then he kissed his forehead.

"Take care baby." Abhi whispered and with a last glance at Mayan, he took his bags and opened the door. But before he could take a step out, a slow whimper caught him offguard and he stopped.

He looked back in the room where Mayan was trashing around on his bed while small whimpers escaping his mouth. Panic rose in his heart, with a loud tug he dropped his bags and moved closer to Mayan.

"Baby." He called him soflty, trying to wake him up but Mayan's whimpers getting loud. In a panic, he leaned down and placed his lips on Mayan's.

A sudden attack on Mayan's lips, woke him up. With wide opened eyes he tried to push away the attacker but stopped to feel a familiar touch. Tears gathered in his eyes instead of pushing him away, he pulled him down on his own body.

Abhi opened his eyes and look at him confused. Mayan nodded at him while kissing him back then closed his eyes. It encouraged Abhi to kiss him hard with biting and sucking those juicy lips. A series of moans escaped from both when their harden peeks rubbed together. Abhi pushed his tongue inside Mayan's mouth, tasting his insides while rubbing their bodies with each other.

The continue dry humping and kissing sent them to their released and with a loud moan they cum together. Slowly they released each other's lips and stayed in the same position for some time to catch their breath.

So this chapter ends here. I hope you guys like it.

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