14. Not a couple.

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"Hey baby, wake up." Abhi shook Mayan, trying to wake him up but Mayan rolled over to the other side of the bed, ignoring him. Abhi chuckled and open the window, receiving a groan from a very sleepy Mayan.

"Please close it." Mayan whined and covered himself with the blankets.

"But baby, everyone is waiting for you." Abhi informed him as he removed the blankets and laid down on Mayan's half nude body.

"Oh god. You are heavy!" Mayan joked as he open his eyes, looking straight in Abhi's eyes, he placed his hands under his head, giving a perfect view of his hairless underarms to Abhi. Abhi looked at them then licked his lips, suddenly feeling thirsty.

I have never tasted that place. Abhi's mind shouted at him and like a mimic, he leaned down and gave a long lick to his left underarm.

"Wha-t what are you doing?" Mayan tried to push him away.

"No no. Let me taste them then you are free." With that Abhi gripped his hands and start licking those tasty underarms, giving them long lick. He started to rock their bottoms together, making them moan loudly.

"Aaaaahhhh." The scream came from the door, stopped them and they turned around to see a red face Ravi, who was looking at them in shock.

"What happen?" Amit entered the room however he stopped to see Abhi and Mayan on Mayan's bed. He didn't need any explanation to know what Ravi had witnessed.

"At least lock the door." Amit advised them and started to pull Ravi away from the door, who was still in shock.

"Are you ok, love?" Amit growled at Sahil for calling Ravi, love. Sahil winked at him as he leaned to his ear and said something, making Amit's eyes wide.

"Let's go, beautiful." Amit said and pulled Ravi with him, leaving Sahil behind them.

"By the way, whatever you guys were doing might be something hot." Sahil winked at them and ran away, following Amit and Ravi.

"What just happened?" Mayan asked Abhi still trying to progress the things just happened there.

"Nothing, maybe we have a couple no, trouple here." Abhi laughed at the word trouple.

"What is trouple?"

"Like we are a couple. Those trio are trouple." Mayan blushed to heard that and pushed Abhi away.

"I am going to take a bath."

"Let me help you, baby." Abhi teased but kissed by a pillow, thrown to him by Mayan.

"I will do it by my own." With that Mayan ran inside the bathroom and locked the door.


"Hmmmm. What is for the breakfast?" Mayan asked as he entered the kitchen and stood besides Ravi, who showed him idli and sambar.

"I love you Ravi." Mayan said and kissed his cheek, making others growled.

"What?" Mayan asked looking at others with rised brow.

"Baby, come here." Abhi said, pointing to the chair besides him. Mayan turned red when Abhi called him baby but without any argue, sat besides him.

"Do you love him?" Abhi asked with deep voice, making Mayan shiver, in a good way. He looked up with wide eyes and shook his head in no.

"Then why you told him that?" Abhi growled lowly and blowing a warm breath at Mayan's ear.

"He cooked idli and I love it. Mom also makes best idli but it's too long without having homemade idli." Mayan whispered slowly but everyone heard it. Ravi came forward and squeezed his shoulder softly.

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