2. New Home

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Mr. Ashok Rai (Mayan's Father)^^^

"Please please no no noo nooo" "-an Mayan MAYAN." Mayan opened his eyes and calmed down to see his surrounding.  He was in the car with his dad .

"What happen, Mayan?" Mr. Rai asked, even somewhere deep down he knew the answer. But he wanted to confirmed it.

"Bad dream." Mayan told him while trying to control his fast heartbeats. His body was covered with sweat and the fear in his eyes clenched Mr. Rai's heart. Never any parents wanted to see their child in this position. But Mr. Rai chose to ignore it and tried to lighten the mood.

"We are here son." Mayan looked outside and yes their car was standing outside a beautiful house. This made him a little happy and he forgot about his dream.

"Is this the house?" Mr. Rai nodded at him with a smile. Mayan was about to open his door when Mr. Rai caught his hand and pulled him back.

"Are you sure? Do you really want to stay away from us, Mayan?"

"Yes dad. I'm sure about it. And you know that one day I have to face this world then why delaying it? Lets do it now." Mayan said with confidence but his heart was saying something else. He knew that he was not ready for this change but he was happy to explore the new world. Mr. Rai wanted to argue but keep quiet. The happiness on Mayan's face stop him to do it.

"Ok son. Let's take your luggage inside." Mr. Rai smiled and moved out of the car. He pulled out the bags and one by one put them in front of the house's door. Mayan stood beside him and rang the door bell.

"COMING!!!!!" After sometime they heard the footsteps of someone's running towards them. Mayan was about to rang the bell again when the door was flew opened by a guy. The guy looked at them, up and down with rise a brow.

"Hello." Mr. Rai greeted him.


"I'm Mr. Ashok Rai and he is my son Mayan. I talked to Mr. Bakshi about a room for rent and they gave me an address of here. He said that he would inform you guys about it." Mr. Rai introduced himself and Mayan. The guy gave them a suspicious glance and closed the door on their faces.

Mr. Rai and Mayan looked at each other and shrugged. Mr. Rai took out his phone and was about to call Mr. Bakshi when the door was flew opened by the same guy.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to confirm first that you are telling the truth or not." The guy apologised.

"It's ok. Now if your doubts are cleared. Can we come inside?" Mr. Rai said and the guy gave them a way.

"By the way my name is Ravi." The guy introduced himself and held out his hand but Mr. Rai ignored it and walked inside. He was about to lower his hand when Mayan caught it and greeted softly. "Hi I am Mayan." Ravi smiled and shook hands.

Ravi helped them to move Mayan's luggage inside the house. Once inside, Ravi called his other housemates. There was four people including Ravi stood in front of Mr. Rai and Mayan. Ravi introduced the other three as Vivek, Sahil and Amit.

Ravi told them that every room was shared by two people. Mr. Rai wanted to object but Mayan shook his head, signaling him to stop.

"Vivek and Sahil are brothers. So they have been sharing a room together. Me and Amit are roommates." Ravi informed them then looked at Mayan and said "We also have one more housemate but he is mostly unavailable here. We didn't even talk to him much. And You have to shared a room with him. Is it ok?"

Mayan nodded and looked up at his Dad who was lost in deep thoughts.

"Don't you have a separate room?" Mr. Rai asked after some time.

"Sorry sir but no. We don't have any separate room." Ravi answered him and others nodded at his answer.

Mr. Rai looked at Mayan with questioning eyes to know his views.  "Dad it's ok. I can manage it." Mayan assured him.

"But promise me that you will contact us whenever you got into a trouble or have problem with them." Mr. Rai said, eyeing all other young guys up and down suspiciously. Mayan nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Ok now I have to go. I will come back in future." Mr. Rai broke the hug and slowly started to approached the door.

Ravi sighed heavily when he saw that Mr. Rai was gone. He turned back to Mayan and motion him to come near. Mayan did as said and stood besides him.

"Listen Mayan. We are leaving here like a family. We do all house work. Everyone has their own house work so you will also have some. Ok?" Mayan nodded at him.

"As you know our last mate wouldn't stay here much, he also don't have any work to do. But let me warn you, stay away from him." Mayan looked at him with wide eyes but Ravi shook his head and said "No no, don't worry. We are always be here for you. And we never talked to him but I can assured you that he is a good guy. Little bit weird but a good guy. Yeah. Understood?"

"Yes. I will try to stay away from him and yes, I will help in house work also."

"Excellent. Now let me show you your room." Ravi took some of his bags and moved inside with Mayan on his tail. When they reached the room, Ravi left him alone to do unpacking.


After doing all of his unpacking, Mayan came out into the dinning room. Ravi, Vivek, Sahil and Amit were already sitting in dinning room with their food. Ravi patted the seat besides him, signaling Mayan to took it. They ate their dinner in silence and sat there for some times.

"Umm guys?" Mayan said gaining everyone attention to him.

"I need your help?" Others nodded at him to continue.

"I don't know anyone here and tomorrow is my first day at the college. So the question is, can someone please help me, tomorrow?" Ravi laughed at his silly question and put his hand on Mayan's shoulder, patting it.

"Of course buddy. Me, Amit and Sahil are classmates as well as your senior so we will not be able to stay with you much. But Vivek is junior like you." Ravi looked at Vivek and asked "Both of you are in same class, Right?" Vivek nodded at him.

"So he will give you a company." Mayan smiled at him and said thanks to all of them.

"You don't have to say thanks Mayan. I don't like to stay with many peoples but I can manage you." Vivek whispered without looking away from his food. Mayan wanted to ask him what he meant by his answer but chose opposite, as long as he had a company, he would be happy.

After dinner everyone moved into the living room for their movie night but Mayan told them that he wanted to sleep and went inside his room.

It was half passed night when someone roughly removed his blanket and pulled him out of the bed. Mayan was shocked with sudden action and looked at his attacker who was looking dead at him. The attacker captured his collar in tight grip, pulled him closer to his face and screamed in deadly voice


Before the attacker could get his answer, Mayan fainted.

This chapter ends here. I hope you guys like it.

Can anyone guess who is this attacker?

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