26. The Kidnapping Day

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Few weeks ago (the day of Mayan's kidnapping)

Warning  :- Violence content ahead!! It might tigger some of you.

"Take care Abhi." Mayan mumbled as a tear rolled down from his face to the ground. He took the last glance of the house before taking steps further in the opposite direction. His eyes were red and swollen because of crying but he managed to get at the bus stop before the time of bus arrival.

"Excuse me sir." A young man in black suit with black sunglasses, approached him with a piece of paper. Mayan wiped his face with a handkerchief before facing the guy.


"Sir, can you please help me and tell me the direction of this address?" The guy asked politely with a small smile on his face. With a nod Mayan took the paper from him and skimmed through the paper, at the address.

He was about to direct that person when a cloth was placed on his nose from behind. He tried to fight against it but failed and then the blackness embraced him.


Slowly, Mayan opened his eyes then closed it tightly when a bright light attack his vision. After blinking several time, adjusting to the light, Mayan opened his eyes with a groan. He held his head in a tight grip when a pain shoot through it.


"Look, the princess is awake." A voice announced as a man in black suit came forward and stood by him. Mayan looked up at the man, who was looking back at him with a devilishly smirk. Mayan shivered to gazed in his wild eyes.

The man bend down and grab Mayan's chin in a tight grip then moved his face in left and right direction, looking at his features, closely.

"You are indeed a cute guy. No wonder that Abhi have fucked you." The old guy grunted with bitterness and disguise in his voice.

Mayan trembled to realised that their secret was discovered by this unknown man. He looked at the man, trying to figure out who was he. The first thought hit him that, the person was Abhi's dad or maybe someone known to him. Getting bold, he asked "Who are you? And Where I am?"

"Don't you remember?" The man smirked as he signalled the men to come forward. Mayan was so lost in his thoughts when those men hold his hands and stand him up then moved towards the black painted wall. Then without loosing their grips, they tie his hands upwards to the wall.

"What are you doing? Leave me!" Mayan tried to pulled his hand but the knots getting more tighen with every pull.

"Please leave me." Mayan pleaded as tears welled in his eyes. He was scared because the man before him had a knife in his hand and looking at him with a sick smile.

"So,You're Abhi's fuck boy,huh?" The man asked as he approached him and put the knife on Mayan's bare wrist.

Mayan sealed his lips in fear. He knew that the man before him was dangerous and angry at their relationship. What if he hurt Abhi also?


"Oh." The man turned around at his men then laugh.

"See. He didn't fuck him." Then turned back to Mayan and pressed the knife on his wrist.

"Aaahhhh. Please stop it."

"Then tell me, bitch. Did he fuck you good? Are you loving that?" The guy grabbed Mayan's hairs and pulled them back while applying more pressure on the knife, making a cut.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Mayan screamed in pain.

"Me? Huh? You want to know about me?" The man asked and pulled away the knife.

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