27. Heart-to-heart talk

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Ashok entered in Abhi's room when he saw him going to meet his father. He thought that it's a great time to talk with Mayan alone but couldn'd find Mayan there. He searched around for him then went near to the bathroom when he heard the sound of running water.

"Mayan?" Ashok knocked at the bathroom's door.

"Dad?" Mayan replied with a muffled voice as he washed the soap away from his face and turned off the shower.


"Give me a minute dad." Mayan said as he started to wipe his body with towel, softly. The wounds had been healed long ago but he still ignored the rough touches.

"Ok. Umm do you have dry clothes inside?" Ashok asked fully aware of Mayan that he never took dry clothes with him inside the bathroom. He moved to his wardrobe and open it.

"No, dad. Please choose one from the wardrobe." Mayan yelled from inside.

Ashok shook his head and like old days, choose a pair of loose pants and a t-shirt. Ashok put them on the bed and sat down besides them,waiting for Mayan.

With a towel wrapped around his waist, Mayan came out and looked at his clothes.

"You know the best, dad. Thank you." Mayan beamed as he wore his clothes.

Ashok just looked at his grown up son with a smile. It's like yesterday, when he gave Mayan a bath and then helped him to wear clothes. But now he was a grown up man and ready to make a biggest decision of his life.

"Dad, are you ok?" Mayan asked as he sat down besides his dad, who was lost in deep thoughts.

"Yes, I am." Ashok assured him as he took his hand and gave it a pat.

"Mayan, you know that I love you so much, right?"

"Yes dad. I know that and I love you too."

"Mayan, I want to ask you something.  Just tell me a truth and be honest with me." Mayan nodded at him.

"Do you love Abhi?" Ashok was watching him closely and it was clear that Mayan didn't like this question.

"You know that I'm not going to judge you. Are you sure about it? Do you really want to spend your whole life with Abhi? Even after knowing his past?"

"Dad, please don't judge me or leave me." Mayan said as his eyes welled up. His heart was beating fastly because he wanted to tell his dad everything, like he did in past. He never hide anything from him and now, he wanted to tell him about Abhi and his relationship properly.

"I'll never."

"I love him. I c-an't live without him. He completes me and same goes to him. I want to spend my whole life with him, dad. I knew about his past and don't have any problem because he never hurt other person for his pleasure. He is the best person and the most important thing is that he loves me unconditionally."

"That's great son. I'm happy that you accept yourself and stood for your love. I'm proud of you. Abhi is really great person and a lover. He is passionate for you and that's enough for me. As long as you're happy, I'm good Mayan." Ashok  pulled him in his arms, hugging him and kissed his forehead.

"You always have our blessing son."


"Dad?" Abhi knocked on the door of his dad's office before entering. Parveen closed his laptop as Abhi entered in the room.

Parveen smiled to see his grown-up son walking in with a soft smile dancing over his handsome face. "Yes, Abhi."

Abhi sat down on the chair across his father then pinched the bridge of his nose,nervously. Parveen sat there, calmly observing his every move.

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