25. Abhi's Past

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"MOM!!" The younger Abhi shouted as he caught her before falling down then knelt down with her in his arms.

"Mo-mom please open your eyes." Abhi called her out as tears were falling down from his eyes at her face. Slowly, she opened her eyes then with trembling hand, she capture Abhi's hand before whispering.


"Ye-Yes mom." Abhi tried to talk but couldn't. How could he speak normally when his mother, lying on his knees with blood flowing out from her wound. Parveen knelt down on the other side of his wife and place a hand on her beautiful face.

"Nothing going to happen to you, love. Doctors will be here in few seconds. Just take a deep breath. " Parveen said softly and placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and looked back at Abhi while taking long breath.

"Do-n't hate him." She requested to him and Abhi nodded softly, fully understood that she wants him to forgive his father and move on.

She gave him a smile as a guard approached them with a team of doctors and nurses.

"Sir, we have to take her to the operation theatre." The head Doctor said as he signalled his team to get her there. As the team of four people take a step forward, her eyes gone wide and again she pushed Abhi and covered his body with her as a bullet pierced through her heart.

With a silent scream and wide eyes, she stopped breathing.

"MOM! MOM!!" Abhi screamed as the guards covered the family and few of them ran in the direction from gun fired.

"No no no." Parveen looked down in the shock as the floor under them covered with her blood and Abhi sat there like a statue.

"BRING THAT BUSTARD!!!!" Parveen roared as he cry out while hugging his beloved wife, who was sleeping peaceful in his arms. She was not only his wife but also his life partner, his love.


The person who shot her, was captured by Parveen's men, after two months. The shooter was hired by Matt's son, Ronny. He wanted to kill Abhi because Abhi would be his future rival but his mom saved him.

After knowing the truth, Parveen attacked Matt's mansion with his army and in that attack, Ronny was killed and his mom, Matt's wife wounded badly. Matt's wife couldn't make it and after a day, she left this world. Just because Matt was out of the country at that time, he survived. When Matt came to know about it, he was seeking to get his revenge by killing Abhi in a cold blood. He wanted to hurt Parveen as he did to him by killing his beloved son.

Meanwhile, the younger Abhi started to stay away from Parveen as much as possible. He couldn't even bear his presence around him. Whenever Parveen tried to talk, Abhi ignored him or made some excuses to ran away. According to Abhi, it was Parveen's fault that his mom died. If Parveen had never killed anyone then it would never happened.

Abhi knew about Matt and that he wanted to kill him but Abhi didn't take it seriously,  because somewhere he felt guilty for her death. At his mom's 2 month death anniversary, Abhi went to a park where he and his mom always came in his childhood.

Abhi was sitting there, lost in his mom's memories when suddenly a guy pushed him down and a bullet pierced through his hand.

"AAAHHHH!" The guy screamed in pain as blood flew out from his wounded arm.

"FUCKER." The guy pulled out his gun and shoot the shooter, who stopped breathing on the spot.

"Oh God!" Abhi yelled then looked around to see some of his guards were running towards them. Those guard helped the wounded guy to put in their vehicle with Abhi and drove off to the mansion.

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