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The mansion (👆👆)

A smile formed on Abhi's dry lips as he recalled the time he spent here while walking through the familiar path of the mansion. He nodded at every person he met on the way in a greeting but all of them held their heads down. The air around the mansion was suffocating like something was wrong but Abhi shrugged it off and tried to find a face which he hadn't seen from last 5 years.

"Abhi." A whisper cut through the air, stopping Abhi in his track and he looked at the direction from where that whisper came.

"Sir." Abhi whispered back as he saw him. The very same person, whom he never wanted to see again. His father, whom he didn't wanted to see ever but now, here he was standing face to face with him.

Mr. Parveen Rajputt was standing in his full dominating aura as he saw his son, his gem. He wanted to hug him but didn't want to mess the things in between them. He took a step forward and signaled Abhi to follow him into his office. Abhi nodded and followed him.

"Where is Matt?" Abhi asked as soon as he entered the office. He was playing with his fingers as he watched his father walking towards the head chair and sit down on it with a sigh.

"Why you need him?" Mr. Rajputt asked while looking straight in Abhi's red eyes.

"H-He." Abhi took a long breath to calm his nervousness. "He took something important from me." Abhi tried to be a confident but from inside, he was scared for Mayan.

Mr. Rajputt Pinched the bridge of his nose at Abhi's answer. "Abhi, if you are not going to tell me the truth then go back to India."

Abhi couldn't believe his ears. He came here for Mayan and his father was not telling him about Matt. "Please tell me where is he?"

"First tell me the truth. I will tell you where is he and what I got from his hell hole." It was clear in his statement that he would not going to tell him about Matt without knowing the truth.

"He-he kidnapped one of my housemates." Abhi was looking everywhere but not at his father.

"Is he only your housemate?"

Abhi met his father's gaze and wanted to say no. But what if his father would not accept him or maybe do the worst to Mayan? From childhood Abhi's father told him to be a man. He was always strict and pushed him to do his best. According to him, A man is meant to be with a woman. So that they would carry on their bloodline.

When Mr. Rajputt noticed Abhi's lack of attention, he stood up and approached him.

"Follow me." Abhi followed him to his old room and stood by the closed door. Mr. Rajputt held the door knob but didn't open it and turned back to Abhi.

"Hold yourself together otherwise I will throw you out without any delay." Mr. Rajputt warned him as he turned the knob and opened the door. Abhi gave him a confused look but it was ignored by Mr. Rajputt.

Mr. Rajputt put a finger on his lips, signaling Abhi to stay quiet and walked inside. Abhi followed him but stopped dead in his track to see a person lying on his bed with uncountable wires connected to his body as an oxygen mask was helping him in breathing.

"MAYAN!!!" Abhi screamed as he took long steps and approached him.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO." Abhi repeated like a manic as he pulled his hairs in frustration. What he saw, was never he thought before. There was lying his baby with cuts and bruises on his face. He pulled off the blanket from Mayan's body and gasped to see bandages wrapped around his both wrist.

"Mayan. Baby please open your eyes." Abhi whispered as he shook him. The doctors and nurses were watching this scene in silence. They were their personal medical team and they never saw him like that, so broken and crying for someone who was not his family member.

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