10. I want you

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(A very cute and happy, Mayan👆)

In a small time period of 2 months, Mayan became an important part of everyone's lives. They treated him as their own brother beside Abhi who treated him like a precious gem. Abhi knew that his feeling for him was more than a lust. If Mayan was worried about anything, he got worried. He wanted to see him smiling everyday. He stopped staying out late in the night because he knew that his presence made Mayan happy and his nightmare were also going away.

For Mayan, Abhi was a miracle which happened to him. Ever since they started to shared his bed, he didn't get any nightmare. He knew that his feelings for Abhi were same as lovers but he also knew that it was not acceptable to the society. Some times he wanted to stay away from him but scared of his nightmares and ends up in Abhi's arms who were there to secure him from those evils.

After their first night on Mayan's bed, they started sleeping together. Some times one of them woke up by other's kissing or hugging. It was their routine to be woke up by it. They never had sex. Every time it was just dry humping or handjob and it irritated Abhi very much because some times he wanted more, to feel Mayan in every way but scared of rejection. It was difficult for Abhi to surplus his needs but he tried. Every time their bodies touched, it set him on fire.

Before, Abhi never felt the urge to deep buried inside anyone but with Mayan, everything was different. He wanted to cherished every time that they spend together. He didn't want to fulfil his body's need but also his heart's.

Ever since Mayan started to stay with Abhi, his face was glowing day by day. Others noticed this change but didn't asked anything. Ravi and Sahil knew about their relationship but not in detail, that morning's incident was enough for them to understand their relationship and they never shared it with others. They wanted Mayan or Abhi to do it by their own. They knew that other will also accept them whole heartily and respect them.

On the other side, Vivek and Amit were happy as long as Mayan was happy. They were unaware of their relationship but knew that they were more than just friends because of their continuously changing behaviour for each other.


With blushing face and brushied lips Mayan and Abhi entered the living room and sat together on the sofa with others. All of them were talking about new movies. Suddenly Abhi realised that he and Mayan never had gone to any place together. He wanted to go out with him and spend some quality time together. Slowly he leaned down and whispered to Mayan, "Do you want to go on a movie date with me?"

Hearing that Mayan moved his face to Abhi so fastly that it made a cracking noise and gained other's attention as well. But before they would ask them about it, Mayan nodded at Abhi with sparkling eyes and said loudly

"YES!! Umm, Is there has any cartoonist movie? I love cartoon movies. Can we see it? Or maybe Romantic movie. They are also good." Abhi gave him a cheeky smile and leaned down to kiss him but stopped when they heard a coughing sound and looked at the direction of others. Their eyes went wide when realisation hit them that they were not alone in their room but with everyone in the living room, they blushed with embarrassment and lower their eyes.

To break this awkward moment Sahil said, "I also want to go." Then looked at others and asked, "Do you guys also want to come?"

"Yeah, let me get ready. I'll be done in few minutes." With that Ravi ran ahead to his room with Amit following him.

"Yeah, wait for me too, bro." Vivek also ran away leaving Sahil, Abhi and Mayan there.

Ahmm. Sahil coughed again to gain their attention when they looked up, he said softly

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