11. You have me (part 1)

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Warning: Mature content ahead!

"You have me, babe." A wave of lust rushed over Abhi as he heard those words spelt out of Mayan's mouth. Without any delay, he helped Mayan to fixed his pants with the belt because the button was torn apart by him. Then he placed his jacket on Mayan to cover him up so that no one could doubt them.

When they came out of the bathroom,  few people were standing outside, some looked at them in disguised while others, weirdly. Abhi ignored them and pulled Mayan along with him to the parking lot. The Whole drive back to their home was harsh and filled with lust. When they reached home, Abhi ran inside with Mayan on his tail.

Abhi opened the door of their room and pulled Mayan with him. As soon as they entered, he locked the door behind them. Abhi pushed him to the door and covered his body with his own. He leaned down, kissed those sinful lips, ravishing them. He tugged on his lips then bite on them harsly, gaining a loud moan from Mayan.

Their body was moving with each other, creating a lustful friction. Slowly, Abhi peeled off his t-shirt and undo his belt then in a smooth way, he pulled out Mayan's cock, stroking it as a series of moans escaped Mayan.

"You like it baby?" Abhi asked as he bite hard on Mayan's neck, leaving the mark of his territory. Mayan nodded and started undoing Abhi's shirt. Once the upper was gone,he proceed to remove his pants but it was difficult because Abhi was assaulting his nipples with pinching and sucking.

"Ba-be?" Mayan moaned loudly, thanking to god that nobody was at home otherwise they could definitely heard his moans.

"Yes, baby." Abhi said huskly.

"Plea-se remove your clo-thes toooo." Mayan moaned and arched his back in pleasure. Abhi stopped and looked at him softly then leaned down, placing his both hands on Mayan's cheeks and murmured against his lips," Baby, do you really want it?"

"Yes." Mayan replied as he licked his lips then closed the distance inbetween their lips, kissing him hard while trying to move forward but tipped down with Abhi under him because of his pants stuck around his legs. They groaned together then laughed loudly at their tangled bodies.

"Let's remove these obstacles first." Mayan winked at Abhi and helped him to stood up. Urgently they removed their clothes and looked at each other with lust.

"You are so beautiful." Abhi complimented him and traced his fingers on Mayan's scares, "they are also beautiful."

Mayan gave him a weak smile and kissed him softly as he covered their cocks together with his hand, moving them in a simulation and use pre-cum as a lube to silken them.

"Oooohhh Baby. You're making me hot." Abhi moaned as he kissed him.

"STOP!!" Mayan stopped and looked at him in confusion.

"Go and lay down on the bed." Abhi ordered and moved towards his drawer. Mayan looked at him innocently as he stood there in confusion.

"NOW." Abhi ordered again without looking back, Mayan did as said and laid down. After some time he felt weights on bed and tried to look up .

"Stay still Baby. Otherwise I will punish you." Abhi warned him with low and husky voice which made Mayan shiver. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.

Abhi looked down at his baby who was laying naked under him, he wetted his dry lips and gluped at the sight. He placed lube and condoms on the bedside table. After that he leaned down and covered Mayan's body with his. Both of them moaned together at the contact of their nude but warm bodies. They saw and touched each others nude body many times but this was different because they knew that it was not same as their other time. Today they would have each other in every possible way.

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