You (Damon Salvatore)

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Damon P.O.V

"Yeah and I may look like I'm fine Y/N but you should see the other guy thats missing you the me that no one else sees, the me that only comes out at night and let me tell you he comes out with a vengeance, I've done everything short of turning off my emotions to cope." I sighed "I know you're the only person who can bring me back when I turn my emotions off and I didn't want to break your heart by doing that to you again, my heart breaks wishing you'd come home knowing you never will" downing the remainder of the bourbon in my glass getting up to walk away Only to be pulled back by my arm

"Damon" she chuckled "you finally care about someone who's not you?" She rolled her beautiful y/e/c eyes

"I have always cared about you"

"No Damon you only evert cared about yourself... if you cared about me you wouldn't have just let me walk away.. I know you Damon Salvatore" she looked at me sadly "if you cared about me a year ago I would've never made it out that door"

"Y/N... you don't know me as well as you think, I let you walk away on your own feel will no matter how much I wanted to pull you back into my arms I had to let you go" I said tears brimming in my eyes

"Damon figure yourself out and then maybe-" I cut her off

"Maybe what Y/N? Maybe I can be happy? I can't fucking be happy without you in my life!" I raised my voice not meaning too "I need you, your laugh, your smile, your hugs, your kisses for fuck sake Y/N I need YOU" I yelled she flinched at the sudden change in volume "I'm sorry for yelling I just needed to get my point across... I don't want to spend the rest of eternity knowing I fucked the one good thing I've had in 173 years up, I need you I feel like I can't breathe if your not here, I feel like the walls are caving in on me and the sound of your voice ringing through my ears is the only thing that can stop that feeling... I'd sooner drive a stake through my own heart than live the rest of eternity knowing I fucked up the best thing to ever happen to me" she just stared at me her eyes glazed over with tears

"Damon..." she snaked her arms around my waist pulling me into a hug I put my arms around her resting my chin on the top of her head

"I fucking love you more than you will ever know and I hate myself for hurting you Y/N you understand that?" She nodded her head sniffling

"Damon I love you" she said squeezing me tighter I pulled away placing a kiss on her forehead

"Please don't ever leave me again Y/N" I said laying my forehead against hers staring into her piercing y/e/c eyes

"I won't I promise" she smiled "I. Love. You. Damon. Salvatore." She said kissing me lightly in between words

A/N what do you think of this? I haven't written much in a while so it's probably pretty bad but I tried 😬🤷🏻‍♀️

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