Fuck Her, But Dont really Fuck Her Like Flip Her Off and Walk Away (Mikey Way)

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Y/n P.O.V

I heard the front door open while I was in the kitchen I figured it was Mikey and then when I didn't here the T.V. turn on like normal when Mikey came over I became worried

"Hello?"I said drying my hands and walking around the corner I saw Mikey standing there he then fell to his knees letting out a loud shaky sob"Mikey what happened"


"She didn't?"

"She did"he said sobbing even more

"that bitch had the audacity to cheat on you you've been married for almost 2 years"

"Y/N I'm so tired of being treated like shit by people who I think love me but they really don't I-I-I I just wanna die"he sobbed

"Micheal James Way look at me"he looked up with tears streaking his face"I love you to death you are my best friend and the only thing I have left to hang on for and if you died I wouldn't last very long afterward Mikey you're the only thing I have left my parents are gone Jason dumped me earlier today my brother disowned me my sister's both hate my guts you are all I have so please don't think that way I can't lose you too"

"That little fucker dumped you?"

"Over text"I said looking down at the floor

"He can rot in hell you deserve so much more than that"

"So do you Mikey Alicia never deserved you ever I saw the way she looked at you it wasn't with love it was with sabotage"

"And I saw the way you looked at Jason you looked at him with pure love and he looked at you with regret I just saw how happy you were and couldn't hurt you like that"

"Truth is I wasn't happy"

"But you were always smiling and laughing unless-"he stopped himself and looked at me"h- he no no no why didn't you tell me"

"He was the reason I stopped talking to you and the guys he wouldn't let me communicate with anybody not even my sister's that's why they hate me"

"Y/N that little bastard is gonna die"

"Mikey you can't get arrested we've been over this your all I have left"

"Did he ever...?"I knew what he meant he was trying to ask if Jason every sexually abused me and the truth is he did rape me many times but I don't know if I can tell Mikey that but he's gonna find out sooner or later

"Yes"I said staring at the floor in front of me

"Y/N you should have told me I could have helped you"

"Mikey No one can help me I'm just a depressed suicidal mess who cuts her self"shit I just slipped up and told him that I self harm

"Let me see your arms"

"Its not my arms"

"Go put on a pair of track shorts"



"Fine but your gonna be mad at me if I do"

"I could never be mad at you"

"You have been before "

"Name once"

"October 2007 I was out past the time I told you I'd be home and I came home and you stayed mad at me for like 3 weeks"

"Ok but I won't be mad this time"

I came back with Track Shorts on and he looked at my thighs which are covered inch by inch in scars with tears in his eyes the cuts from earlier today are very evident by this time I was crying so
Hard that sobs racked my body every few seconds and Mikey just stared at me and stood up off the floor and pulled me into a tight hug

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