Losing the Dream, Loving you (living the dream losing you part two)

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I still reminisce on that day 3 years ago.. Ian walked out of my life shortly after that night to live his dream and I can't blame him he's living the life he's wanted since we were 15 years old... I on the other hand am living the life I always expected him to be part of

"Ro!" I yelled across the house at my 3 year old daughter Roslyn Josephine Somerhalder

"Yes mama?" She squealed as she made her way over to me long black hair trailing behind her and those gorgeous blue eyes looking up at me

"You know I love you right?" I smiled down at her

"I love you mama" she smiled snuggling into my side

She's the perfect little girl no shock seeing as who her daddy is although he left before I even knew about her, and I've never been able to tell him, I've not talked to him in 3 years

"Wanna go grocery shopping with me or do you wanna go stay with Nana?"

"shopping!" I've yet to meet any other 3 year old who enjoys grocery shopping but this girl does for some reason

*25 minutes later*

As I was walking down the pasta aisle with Ro sitting contently in the cart I looked up locking eyes with those same mesmerizing blue eyes that Id been looking into for the last 3 years except it was different... it was him. He looked different, he wasn't clean shaven as he always was when we were together, his hair wasn't all put together and it was longer now, he looked happy though, the shocked look in his face slowly faded as his eyes found Ro he looked confused and started making his way over to me.

"Y/N?" My name rolled off his tongue as it always had sending shivers down my spine

"Ian" I said forcing a smile really just wanting to run away

"Who's this?" He asked still looking confused

"This is Ro.... my daughter" I chuckled awkwardly

"Mama?" I turned to her "who is that?" She smiled pointing to Ian

"This is mommy's friend Ian we were friends a long time ago" I sighed "look Ian it was nice to catch up but I've got to get finished shopping so we can get home" I started walking away

"Y/N Wait!" He yelled after me

"What Ian?"

"Can I call you later I think we need to talk.." he trailed off nodding towards Ro

"Sure Ian" I pulled a sticky note from my purse writing my number down and handing it to him "now I've really gotta go"

*Later that Night*

'Baby 💋' I've not seen that name pop up on my phone in forever... I never changed his contact name because I couldn't bring myself to accept that my childhood best friend broke my heart

"Hey Ian....." I sighed picking up

"Y/N I have a question and please tell me the truth..."

"Ian when have I ever lied to you, you've know me since we were 12"

"Is Ro Mine?" I went silent how do I tell him that I kept his daughter from him for 3 years "Y/N please just tell me" he sighed

"Yes Ian.. she's yours" I let a few tears fall I feel like such a piece of shit for never telling him

"Y/N why didn't you tell me?"

"You left Ian... you walked away from everything we had" my voice quivered "what happened to 'if I'm living my dream but losing you in the process I don't want it'?

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