You BrotherFucker! (Pete Wentz Requested)

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Tori P.O.V.

Pete Wentz I hated that name so much that man hurt me a lot when we were younger


"Pete I'm trying to fix this I'm trying so hard"

"Your just a fucking whore"


"That's right there's several other names I can call you such as slut,tramp ,BrotherFucker, etc."

"BrotherFucker really Pete?"

"What you fucked my brother therefore your a brotherfucker"

"I fucking hate you"

And with that I was slammed up against the wall two hands clasped around my neck cutting off my airways
And then throw to the floor An beat the man I thought loved me almost beat me to death


And here I was standing not even twenty feet away from him hoping he wouldn't recognize me but I was wrong


"Who me?"what a smooth mofo you are Tori *Rolls eyes at self*

"Yeah you"

"Pete what do you want?"

"To apologize that's what I want"

"Your almost killed me Peter you almost beat me to death and now you wanna apologize?"

"Oh clearly you don't wanna talk to me I'll go now"he turned to walk away

"Hold up I never said I didn't want to talk to you I was just ranting about how you should have apologized 8 years ago"

"So will you accept my apology?"


"Tori why are you talking to him?"my boyfriend Austin asked

"Wait your dating Carlile?"


"Oh I'm sorry I bothered you"he backed away slowly and when he was at a safe distance he ran

"What's up with him you'd never hurt a fly"I asked

"He just knows that I still want to murder him for beating you"he laughed as we walked away

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