Misunderstood,unwanted,unloved (Brendon Urie)

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(Y/H/S)=your high school

(Y/N/N)=your Nick name

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Go to hell (Y/N)"you heard as you were walking down the halls of (Y/H/S)

"Go die no one wants you"another guys shouted as the bell rang and once the hall was clear you were suddenly slammed up against the wall and you immediately started squirming to get out of the person strong hold

"Get off her you asshole" you heard someone yell

"Shut it Urie"The guy screamed

"Dallon your gonna hurt her"the other guy said

You couldn't say anything as you were choking

"H-H-Help M-M-M-"is all you could get out before you passed out from lack of oxygen


You woke up to a bright light shining in your face

"(Y/N) your awake"a voice exclaimed

"Who are you"you asked before your eyes had fully adjusted so you could see who was talking to you and it was just your brother Patrick

"Patrick what happened?"You asked

"Well (Y/N) that Dallon guy that slammed you up against the wall choked you and you passed out from lack of oxygen"

"Is she awake yet?"asked a voice from the door

You looked up to see a face you haven't seen in years

"Brenny-bear?"You questioned

"(Y/N/N)"he said

"Bren I haven't seen you in years " you say

"Well I have wanted to tell you something for many years now (Y/N)"

"What do you want to tell me?"You asked

"(Y/N)I like you like really like you I just didn't want things to be awkward between us"

"So you left me?"You asked

"(Y/N) I didn't want to leave you but when I moved I had no choice and then I came back and I saw you get made fun of and believe me (Y/N) I wanted to help you but..."You cut him off

"But what Brendon you left me then you came back and you saw me being bullied and didn't tell a teacher nothing and now you expect me to forgive you"you said on the verge of tears "Brendon when you left for days I wondered what I did to make you not want to be my friend any longer you were the only person who loved me Brendon after you left me I felt like no one wanted me I felt like no one was listening to me I felt like no one loved me"you said letting your tears flow freely by this time he was in tears too

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't know you felt that way"he said turning to walk out the door"I'm sorry about Dallon, I love you,(Y/N)"he said as he started to walk out the door

"Brenny-Bear don't leave me again please"you said crying"I don't think I could stand the pain of you leaving me again"you said

"Oh (Y/N/N) even if I wanted to leave you it'd be impossible"he said cupping the sides of your face and ever so slightly getting closer and then suddenly crashing his lips against yours you were quick to kiss back

"(Y/N) what the hell is goin on here?"Patrick asked from the doorway


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