I love you, Stefan Salvatore

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"Hey Stef" I smiled walking into his room

"Hey Y/N ready to study for this history test?" He replied not looking up from his phone

"Not really but I know I need to do it" I chuckled

He didn't reply as I pulled my history book out of my book bag chucking it on the foot of his bed

"Ready Stefan?" I asked hoping hers look up from whatever had him so focused on his phone No luck "fine if your so engrossed in whoever your texting I'll just go hangout with Damon until you decide to help me like you promised you would" I rolled my eyes walking out of his room and down the hall "knock knock anybody home" I laughed knocking on Damon's door

"Hey if it isn't Y/N" Damon laughed opening the door "what can I do for you today?"

"Just looking for someone to hangout with until your brother decides to put down his phone and help me study like he promised he would" I stated rolling my eyes

"I'll help you study" he said pulling the history book from my hands "Stefan can be a dick sometimes" he rolled his eyes with a laugh

*2 hours later*

"And that's the end of the battle of Willow Creek" Damon sighed throwing himself back on the bed

"Thank you for helping me study Damon" I sighed "Stefan is such a dick" I laughed

We sat there just chatting for another 20 minutes or so before the door to Damon's bedroom creaked open

"Hey beautiful you ready to study?" Stefan said opening the door wider

"Actually Damon helped me" I said pointing towards Damon

"Oh well do you wanna hangout tonight then?" He sighed I looked down at my watch checking the time it's currently 9:45 and I have to be home by ten

"Not tonight Stefan I've got to be home in 15 minutes" he looked a little defeated

"I'll drive you" he piped up

"No I'm fine I'll walk" I sighed

"There's no way I'm letting you walk home alone this late at night you live halfway across town"

"What are you my boyfriend?" I asked with a slight chuckle

"No I'm just concerned for your safety Y/N"

"Fine then you can drive me home" I rolled my eyes

*in the car*

"What's your problem Y/N?" Stefan asked rather harshly

"I'm not sure what you're talking about" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"Your attitude lately, you've changed so much"

"You of all people thing I'M the one whose changed Stefan" I said raising my voice slightly "you've been so glued to your damn phone every time we hangout I can't even think of the last time we had a real conversation that wasn't brought on by too much bourbon"

He reached over placing his hand on my thigh but I pulled away harshly

"I always put my hand on your leg while we're driving" he said looking over at me "what's the problem with it now"

"Because Stefan I'm sick of the mixed signals" I sighed looking out the window suddenly feeling the car stop moving

"What are you talking about Y/N/N" he said grabbing my chin making me look at him

"I am so in love with you that I can't even see straight Stefan and every time I've thought about telling you you've been cold toward me, one day you're hugging me, kissing my forehead, holding my hand, putting your hand on my leg while you drive, calling me beautiful... and the next you're not even talking to me" I put my head in my hands "just keep driving I should've never said anything"

"No" he said plainly "not until you look at me" I looked up into his forest green eyes "Y/N I wish I could say I felt the same I wish I could make those worries in that beautiful head of yours go away but I can't... I've been talking to someone and I can't just give her up"

"You're a dick Stefan" I said getting out of the car, walking along Wickery bridge, unbeknownst to me until I walked straight into him, Stefan had gotten out of the car and sped in front of me

"Get back in the car Y/N/N" he said plainly

"No" I pushed past him and kept walking

"Y/N get in the damn car I'm not letting you walk the rest of the way home it's not happening"

"Well you'd best believe it's happening Salvatore" I yelled continuing to walk

"Y/N..." his voice trailed off before he could even get the rest of your name out of his mouth suddenly you fell slamming into the hard ground Stefan laying beside you

"What the hell Stefan?" I said standing up and brushing myself off

"T-there was a car" he stuttered trying to catch his breath

I put my hand out to help him up and he pulled me into his arms "the last 6 years flashed before my eyes as I saw that car round the bend" he said running his hand up and down my back "every laugh, every smile, every moment almost gone" he sighed kissing the top of my head

"This is what I'm talking about Stefan" I sighed pushing him away "this is what you do and it confuses the hell out of me" I looked up into his green eyes losing my train of thought like I did every time I looked into his eyes "thank you for saving me Stefan I can never repay you but I really need to get home now"

"Y/N/N at least get in the car and let me drive you the rest of the way after what just happened I don't want you walking home so please get in the damn car" I have in walking to the car

"I love you Stefan and I know you don't feel the same I just needed to say it" I said opening the door

"And I love you Y/N just not in the way you want me to"

*15 minutes later*

"Next stop Casa De Y/L/N" Stefan said making me giggle As I got out of the car

"Goodnight Stefan" I smiled

"Goodnight Y/N" he returned my faint smile before driving away as I walked inside


"Y/N?" The all too familiar voice of Damon Salvatore rang through my phone as I picked up

"What do you want Damon?"

"Stefan told me what happened" he sighed "would you like some company?"

"That would be nice" I said quietly

"Good, cause I'm already here" he chuckled standing in my doorway walking over to my bed and sitting down next to me

"Will you just hold me? Don't talk just hold me" I said sadly he laid down next to me pulling me into his arms

"Whatever you need Y/N I'm right here is you wanna talk" shortly after I was fast asleep in the arms of Damon Salvatore my best friend as he comforted me thanks to his brothers stupidity

Damon P.O.V

I looked down at the girl sleeping peacefully in my arms, wondering how in the hell my idiot brother could ever let her slip through his grasp so easily. I untangled myself from her and with a short kiss on her forehead I was gone almost as if I'd never been there at all.

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