Chapter 32

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Jason's POV

I open my eyes to see that awful boiler room. I could hear some screaming coming from somewhere. I turn my attention there and start to run that way. I could hear the screaming again but this time I could hear laughing too. "Look at you little piggy. Why aren't you dead yet?" I could feel the fear eat me alive. (Y/n) was in danger and I needed to be there for her right now. She was going to die if I wasn't there for her.

When I get to the opening I see that the dream demon was sitting on her back where he was drawing something on her back. "Who's going to save you now?" At that moment I swing my machete and knocked him off of her. He hits one of those boilers that were placed on the side. I turn (Y/n) over to see her injuries. They were serious especially on her cheek. Her eyes seemed to look around the room but then they focus on me.

"Jason... You came to me..." She says with little smile forming on her face. I nod and press my forehead against hers. Her shaky hand moves over to my masked cheek. I press my head against her hand and just look at her. "Wake me up. Please." I nod as I put my machete against her arm. I give it a cut that makes her wake up. She disappears from my arms and I know that she's safe for now.

I look at all the blood that was still on the ground. "I can't believe that YOU stole another kill from ME!" I feel the burning rage form in me at that man's words. "You always get in my way you fat piece of shit!" He snarls at me which makes me a look at him. His eyes seems to get confused as he sees the burning rage in my eyes. He looks at me until he starts to laugh loudly. "Are you really in love with that woman! You are dead!"

He laughs like this was the funniest thing he has ever heard. I get up from the look, still feeling the rage in me. How dare he laugh at me when he injured (Y/n)?! She was innocent at this. She had nothing to do with his jealousy. She was just someone who I found again after all these years we were apart. She was just someone that wanted to live in peace with all those animals and her friends. And she could have done that if she hadn't met... me?

The rage suddenly turned into pain and realization that this was really my fault. She was so close to death right now because of me. I turn away from him and look at the blood once again. If she dies because of this, then it's really my fault. "You did this to her. You really think that she loves you? What kind of lover puts their loved ones in danger? The only love you know is from your mother." I wanted to deny his words but he was right.

I feel the tears form in my eyes. She's not going to forgive me. Not now or ever. "Tell you what." The dream demon says which makes me turn towards him. "I'll leave them alone if you go back to sleep in that little grave of yours and never come back." I look at him for a while but then nod. If that was the only way I could save them, I'm going to do it. He walks over to me and offers me his knifed hand.

"It's a deal then?" I look at his hand but then point at him. How could I trust someone like that? He tilts his head and then lifts his hand in defense. "I'll promise you! You just have to trust me!" He seemed to be lying but I didn't have any other choice. I lift my hand and give his hand a shake. "Nice doing business with you. Now go back to sleep. Forever." He says while laughing. He might have found another way to reach more people but I didn't care. I was going to save (Y/n) and John even if it meant that I would never see them again.

I wake up from the dream and look around. I could hear (Y/n) talk with someone but her voice was shaky and tired. I walk over to the doorway where I could hear her. She was on the phone while she was sitting down. She was holding a cloth against her cheek but then she turns to look at me with a little smile. She gives me a little wave of a hand and then turns her attention back on the phone call.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now