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Hi guys!

I started to write a new book called Almost like you (Frank Morrison x Reader). Even though I have already four other books that aren't finished, I really wanted to start working on that book. I try to update all of the books at least once a month at the same time so I could be in track with them.

I have so much free time because of the quarantine, so I try to work on writing new chapters for all of my books as much as I can but the progress can be little slow sometimes because English isn't my first language. I just want to make sure that my thoughts are written clearly on the chapter so I have like three different steps to make sure my writing is correct but there can still be little errors.

I'm so grateful that you take some time from your lives to read my works. These works have been an escape from my life. I also hope that you also enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy working on them. I also love to read your comments and try to answer them as soon as I see them. Writing these books is a new way to express my love for these characters and bond with them in a different way. And that is why, I want to thank you all!

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now