Chapter 39

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Jason's POV

I'm glad that Eddy came here to help us but I was worried about John. He must have made sure that he was okay right? Maybe mommy was looking after him at my cabin... "I'm starting to get angry boy!" I hear the dream demon yell at him but he only swings the shovel at him every once in a while. "Boy?! I'm a man motherfucker! And I would be angry too if I looked like that!" He yells at the demon who growls at him in annoyance.

I look at (Y/n) who had angry look on her face. I was worried since her emotions were all over the place. I wanted to make sure that she was good so keeping her away from the dream demon. She was reloading her shotgun. I look down my leg to see how bad the wound there was. It hurt little but it didn't stop me from walking. Besides it was already healing so soon it would be gone. Like it never was there.

I put my hand on (Y/n) shoulder which causes her to turn to look at me. She still had tears in her eyes which was understandable. "What?" She asks from me and I point at the side which makes her look at there. "You want me to stay away?" I nod at her words. I was glad that she understood me about this! "Why?" She seemed to be little hurt but I just put my hands on her cheek and put my forehead against hers.

"Okay. I'll stay on the side but I will shoot him if I want to." I was amused by her words. She was a strong woman like my mommy! I turn back to look at the demon and Eddy so I could help him defeat the demon. He was doing great but there were some scratches on his legs from the sharp knives that the demon had. But Freddy has more damage on him than Eddy. Even his nose was on its side which must hurt.

Eddy charges towards the demon again but this time the demon just jumps towards him which makes him fall of the horses back. They both fall to the ground but Freddy was up quicker than Eddy. He lifts up his knife hand which makes Eddy look at him with horror in his eyes. "Go to sleep boy!" Freddy yells at him but before he could do anything there was a loud bang which makes the demon fall of him.

I turn to see that (Y/n) shot him and I could see that there was a smirk on her face. Eddy backs up quickly and looks at his clothing. Freddy's blood was all over his clothing and face. "Thanks!" He yells at her and he quickly takes the shovel and backs away from the demon. Freddy turns to look at us and I could see that he was angry. There was a hole on his shoulder from the shotgun but that doesn't seem to stop him.

"You fucking bitch!" He growls at her which makes me angry. I take my machete and start to walk towards him. Freddy gets up and starts to back up from me. "You really need those two to save you? You're even more pathetic than I thought!" He snarled at me but I only walked towards him. He attacks me by kicking me but I take a hold on his leg and push him back. He struggles to stay up but somehow he did it.

"Go get him Jason! Kill him!" I hear Eddy cheer for me but (Y/n) was silent. I think she was loading up the gun so it wasn't that surprising. I charge towards him. I didn't think he would step back and to the side which made my machete just hit the air. I would feel his claws on my back which made me groan because it hurt. I could feel my blood soak my clothing but I quickly shake him off of me. He was laughing at me which made me angry.

"Jason!" I hear (Y/n) call for me. I look at her to see that she was aiming at the demon so I just needed to get away from the demon. Freddy turns to look at her and I could see that there was almost fire in his eyes. She shots him but he jumps to the side which makes (Y/n) miss him completely. "Shit!" She says as she starts to reload but the demon starts to run towards her. "Fuck you bitch!" He yells at her which makes me panic.

"No you don't!" Eddy yells at him as he slams the shovel down on his arm which was reaching towards (Y/n) but before he would stop him, those knives slashed (Y/n)'s arm which makes her hiss in pain. I was pissed because he hurt (Y/n)! I attack Freddy by slashing him on the back. He growls at me while he turns to look at me with fire in his eyes. He swings his claws towards me but I take a step back quickly.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now