Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

I let the cattle out in the field but I was horrified to see that someone had broken my spike fence which kept the horses and cows inside the field. The wires were cut and they were hanging loosely in the wind. In the crime scene were beer bottles everywhere. I was livid! After the cops had come and took a look at the fence they said they couldn't do anything and that probably some teenagers cut the fence. Thank goodness John was here because I could have gone for a manhunt myself.

I was fixing the fence and John was playing around with Benny. The cows and horses weren't bothered by them and they were happily eating grass. I heard a someone approaching me and I look over to the forest only to see Jason coming towards me holding a lamb in his arms. I looked at him little confused to see the little lamb but then I realize that it was one of my lambs. Did he steal it?

"Jason what's going on?" I get up and walk over to him. He hands the lamb over to me and then he points at the forest. I look at the forest and then at the lamb. "You found it?" I ask him and he nods. I feel anger boil in me and I huff in anger. Jason took a step back probably thinking I was angry with him. I look at him but his eyes were clued to his legs and he looked to be sad. "Oh Jason! I'm not angry at you." I pat his shoulder and he gives me a little nod, but he doesn't seem to be convinced.

"Some idiots destroyed my fence and probably stole this little one." I say and make my way down to the sheep and Jason was following me like a lost puppy. I put the lamb down with the other sheep and it runs happily back to its mother. I turn to look at him only to see that he seemed to be furious. His eyes burned with hatred and I felt a shiver run down my spine. His hand took a hold of his machete's handle and I quickly put my hand on his. "Wait. It's okay. They're probably gone by now." He sends me a little sad look before he goes back to the fence and started to fix it himself.

He was replacing the wire with new one and I watched him little amazed. I saw his muscles through his shirt and I had to admit that he was well built. I knew he was handy and I was proud of him. After five minutes he had fixed the fence and turned to look at me. He seemed to be happy and he gave me thumbs up. "Jason. Thank you so much!" I send him a wide smile and happily clap my hands. I look at his work and nod in amazement. He was really talented. "I should let you do all the fixing around. You are WAY better than me!" I said laughing little and he shrugs little. He was so cute!

"Jason!" I hear John yell behind me and Jason looks little startled. John runs past me and hugs his leg. Jason looked at him little confused but then he petted his hair. Benny runs up to them and sits next to Jason. John smiles widely at Jason and I felt my heart melt from their cuteness! "Can you please lift me up?" John asked with hope in his eyes. I was little concerned because Jason surely didn't have much experience with children and I don't know how he will react if something happened.

"John. Jason doesn't know you that well. He may not be comfortable enough to lift you up." I say softly to John but Jason only shakes his head. He picked up John in his arms and lifted him on his shoulder like he used to do to me when we were younger. He was strong back then. I smile at the memory as Jason started to walk around the field while John was laughing loudly. I was happy that John had someone to play with while I was working. I laughed when I looked them play together.

"Hey guys! I have to go and sow some seed in the other field. I should be back within an hour and if you get thirsty there is juice in the fridge." I yell at them and John turned to look at me. "Yeah sure! See you later." Jason waved at me before they started to play together while Benny was following closely behind them. I walk over to the barn but there were some people looking around. I was little angry that they were trespassing but maybe they had a good reason?

I saw two girls and three boys who all looked to be on their teens. They had their car behind them and it had some bags inside. One of the guys saw me approaching them and turned to look at me with a smile. He was good looking but he wasn't my type. "Is there something you need?" I ask them coldly but they didn't seem to be bothered. "Hey! We wanted to visit the old campsite. Do you know where it is?" The boy asked and I felt my heart skip a beat. I knew if I told me where to go, they would die and Jason would be on harm's way if they had any weapons with them. I didn't want him to get hurt.

"I'm not sure it's even this way. You should find another place to go camping. Besides you would be trespassing there." I say to them while looking around. I hope Jason is distracted by John so these kids had enough time to leave here before he sees them. "Hmm but in this map it was supposed to be this way." He said while he took another look at the map. On of the girls snarled and looked me up and down. "I'm sure this hillbilly doesn't know where she even lives. Or she is probably hiding something there." She says with amusement in her voice.

I send her an angry glare. What did she just say to me? I look behind them only to see that John, Jason and Benny were looking at me behind the barn. My eyes landed on Jason's mask and I almost calmed down. I smiled sweetly at the teens. "Well if you are that curious about it, the camp is on that way. But remember I warned you about the trespassing! The owner of that place will get really mad." I say to them sweetly and the boy only laughs little. "Don't worry. We'll be sneaky around there. No one has to know." He said with a smile on his face.

I nod with a little shrug. "Well I warned you. Good day!" I walk past them and in the barn. I hear them get back in the car and drive away. I started to look over for the seed bags but hear two sets of footsteps coming behind me. I look over my shoulder to see John and Jason looking at me, both of them seemed to be little concerned. "What they wanted?" John asked little scared. He was scared for the animals safety when he saw the broken fence. I ruffle his hear with a laugh. "They were looking for that campsite we visited. I just told them were to go." I say smiling at him. I saw Jason twitch little as he looked at me little worried. I give him a little smile and a nod.

"You don't have to worry John. Go and play little more. After I do what I have to, I'll make some food for us." I start to lift up the bags again but Jason lifts them for me. "We could help you so it can be done faster. Right Jason?" John asked him smiling and Jason nodded eagerly. They really seemed to want to help me. I smile at both of them and nod. "Sure let's get going!" They start to follow me and I was glad to have some help so the job could be done faster. Besides, later I wanted to talk to Jason about those teenagers.

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