Chapter 7

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Jason's POV

I was going after the final teen in the middle of the forest. Hunting her down was easy because she was screaming when she was running away from me. It was the one who insulted (Y/n) and I was going to make her pay for that. I was holding my bloody machete in my tight grasp as my rage was flowing through me, making me feel more powerful than before.

After cornering the girl in the forest, she tries to plead with me. She was saying that she was sorry about the trespassing but I wasn't going to let her go. I slam the machete in her head, making her go down easily. I take the machete out of her open head and let the body hit the floor. I start hiding the bodies around the campsite so nobody would find them. Especially (Y/n) and John.

After taking care of everything, I start looking through their bags. I take all the food they have with me, so I could give them to (Y/n) later. I find a cute keychain that she would like. It was a silver horse. "Jason, my sweet boy. (Y/n) is going to love it when you give it to her." Mommy says and I feel a smile sneak on my face. I wanted to make (Y/n) happy and if this little thing makes her happy, I will find hundreds of them to give her.

I walk back over to my own little home and go to my mommy's shrine to make sure she's alright. I relight the candles that had been blown out. After taking care of everything, I go to my own bedroom and lay down. I felt tired for the first time in forever. Playing with kids and taking care of farm animals was hard and I don't know how (Y/n) could do it alone. I close my eyes to drift off to sleep.

I was walking around the campsite until I heard (Y/n) and John's laughter from the lake. I feel a smile form on my face as I walk over there only to see that John was swimming in the lake and (Y/n) was laying on the shore with a red and green striped bikini on. Her (h/c) hair was on a high ponytail and she hand sunglasses on. She turns to look at me and starts to laugh at me.

"There you are mama's boy! Did you come for a swim?" (Y/n) asks me while laughing at me like one of those my bullies long time ago. I was little hurt from her comment and I look down to my feet. Why was she suddenly so hostile to me? Didn't she like me? "Jason? Are you going to kill me now?" (Y/n) asks while laughing and I look up to her and shake my head quickly. I didn't want to kill her and I would never want to even hurt her!

"Aww, aren't you man enough to do that or are you too stupid?" She says innocently and I knew something was wrong. She never was mean to me even if she was angry with me. I take my machete from my belt and look around. I notice that John was gone from the water and I turn to look at (Y/n) who was now with someone. There was all too familiar face looking at me behind her back. A clawed hand was wrapped around her body.

"Hello again mama's boy. You have a nice-looking piece of meat as your "friend". And there is little piggy too with her." The dream demon said and I feel my smile turn into a frown. He was back and probably wants a revenge. He let's his clawed hand slice her throat open and I run up to them. He disappears as I reach them and look at (Y/n). I know that if you die in the dreamworld, you will die in real life. But this (Y/n) wasn't real or I hoped that she wouldn't be. My heart would break if she died.

I hear laughter behind me and I turn to look at the source. The demon was at the pier and he was laughing his wicked laugh. "What's wrong you big idiot? Did you miss Freddy?" He says with his rotten smile on his face. I look at him, anger boiling in me. I had to wake up and make sure that (Y/n) and John were okay. I turn to walk away and wake myself up but he laughs again.

"Take my greeting to them and say old Freddy would like to meet them." He says making me worry. If (Y/n) or John learns about him, their lives could be in danger. I couldn't make that happen. I feel sharp claws on my back which make me to turn around. His claws meet my mask, making some scratch marks on it. I swing my machete towards him but it doesn't do anything to him. His laughter was the last thing I heard before waking up.

I rise up from my bed and take off my mask. I felt the fresh air hit my face after a long time. I look at the mask and see that there are scratch marks on it. I huff and look closer at them with my good eye. Maybe I could hide them from (Y/n) somehow? She told me not to get hurt. Maybe she wouldn't even notice them. I trace them down to see how deep they were but I didn't know how to get rid of them.

I whine little and but the mask back on. There was no way to hide the marks and I couldn't risk that (Y/n) and John would find out about Freddy. I look at the foods and that keychain and make my decision. I take them in my arms and walk out of my home. I walk all the way back to (Y/n)'s house. I walk inside from the door she left open for me and go to the kitchen. I leave the foods on kitchen counter.

I hear light footsteps behind me and turn around to see Benny. He was looking at me while his tail was wagging. I crouch down on his level and pet his head. He sits in front of me giving my mask a couple of licks. I give him a quick hug and get up from the floor. I walk towards the bed and head over to (Y/n)'s bedroom. I open the door quietly to see that (Y/n) was sleeping on the bed silently. I walk next to her as quietly as I can.

I lift her blanket, which had slipped off to her during her sleeping, on her to make sure she didn't get sick from the coldness. When she was warm again, a smile formed on her face. It made my heart beat faster as I smiled at her. I leaned down to her face and gave her a nose kiss. I brush some of her hair off of her face to look at her one more time before leaving. I leave the horse keychain to her bedside table for her to see the next morning.

I start walking back out of the room with a heavy heart. "Jason?" I hear (Y/n) call behind me and I turn my head to look over my shoulder at her. I thought that I was quiet enough but I failed to let her sleep. (Y/n) sat up to look at me with tired eyes. She stretches her arms and let her other arm run through her hair. "Jason, is something wrong?" She asks and I shake my head. She looks at me suspecting something but then lays back down on her bed.

She lifts the blanket on her shoulder with a huff. "If you wanted to sleep with me, you should only say so." She says while closing her eyes. It was my turn to be confused. She didn't freak out even if I was in her bedroom. She pats the bed next the her. "Just come here." She says and I walk over to the other side of the bed and sit down next to her. I lay down with little hesitation and her arms wrap around my other arm.

I feel my heart start beating faster as she falls asleep next to me again. I look at her and it gets harder and harder to leave her side like I wanted to do. It was to protect her from Freddy but I didn't want to be alone again. I didn't want to lose her again. I just have to think a good lie for the marks so (Y/n) wouldn't get angry and I wouldn't have to tell her about Freddy.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now