Chapter 23

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Jason's POV

When I get back to my cabin, I slam the door shot. I was embarrassed! When (Y/n) was like that, I felt something hot inside of me. I didn't know what it was but at that moment I wanted her more than anything in the world. It was like some kind of magic, like my instincts were telling me to do something. But whatever it was, I was ashamed. And I don't think mommy will be pleased about that.

I walk over to her shrine and look at her. Mommy always knew what to do in these situations. She was always so smart. I turn on the candles that were lighting her shrine. I was sad that she wasn't alive but I was glad that she was still here with me. And I revenged her death to that mean girl who killed her. I would do that to someone who would hurt (Y/n) or John. Like Eddy and his wife did.

I don't understand why they didn't like John. He was so sweet and adorable. He reminded me from (Y/n) when she was younger. If she wouldn't have told me that John wasn't Eddy's child, I would have thought that he was hers. But since he wanted her to be his mommy, maybe I could do that for him as a thank you. He deserved a gift like that and I think that (Y/n) would be over the moon if she could keep him as her own.

My sweet, sweet Jason! You need to take care of them! They need you! You have to kill for mommy again! Mommy was right! They belonged to me and I would have to protect them with all my life. I look at the traps that were hanging on the wall. I should go trap the road which leads to (Y/n) house to wait if they would come this week. (Y/n) wouldn't be going anywhere so it wouldn't damage anything that is hers.

I take the traps and leave the cabin. I had plenty of time to but on the traps and maybe even look around the camp before just waiting for someone to come to that road. That at least gave me something else to think about than feeling (Y/n) gave me. I was doing this for my family. No one is coming between them and me. And after this problems was taken care of, I could destroy that dream demon once and for all. He wasn't going to hurt my family as long as I was still living.

When I reach the road I start to put on the traps along the road. It was a leather strap which had some nails piercing through it. It didn't look beautiful but they did the job. And they were hard to see. I look at the nails. That should do the job of slowing down a vehicle or completely stopping it. I leave some beartraps and hunting wires by the road so they can't go anywhere. Now it was just a waiting game. My senses where telling that they were going to come here soon and I wasn't going to let him go that easily.

I don't know how long I sat here and waited but finally I heard it approach me. A car! I look from behind a tree and recognize it to be Eddy's car. It was speeding down the road but I was patient. It drove over my nail trap and I can hear the tires pop from it. The car slows down and Eddy comes out with his wife. "What the fuck?!" Eddy yells as he looks at the tires. "Did that sister of yours but a trap on the road! What a crazy bitch!"

I was getting angry. They were blaming (Y/n) for something I did! I take my machete and wait for something to else happen. Eddy opens his car's back door and takes out the rifle. I feel the pure rage form in my gut at the thought that he was going to hurt anything that was mine. "We walk. We'll take her car once we go back!" Eddy yells as he starts to walk towards the forest. I felt satisfaction when I see that he was walking right towards one of those traps.

Kill for mother Jason! Mommy screamed in my head. I waited eagerly for him to step in it and when it was only seconds away, I felt my blood rush through my undead veins. Then it happened. A loud snap was heard through the woods and a loud scream left from his mouth. He falls down on to the ground, leaving the rifle right next to him. "Oh my God!" His wife screams as she runs over to him.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now