Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

Jason was acting little... weird. I didn't know how but he was nervous, like he was hiding something. But he can have his secrets, I didn't mind at all. John was cleaning the stables with me or rather he was petting Cola while I was cleaning. He would do some work but I wasn't going to force him to do anything that he didn't or couldn't do. Some things were just dangerous in here so it was better to just leave him be.

"When will Jason be back?" I hear John ask while he was stroking Cola's mane. I turn to look at him with little sweat beads rolling down on my face. Why did it have to be so hot in here? "I don't know. Maybe later today?" I smile as he nods and continues what he was doing. "Do you think that he loves me?" John's words cut through me like a knife. Why would he think something like that?

"Oh little one." I whisper and walk over to him. He seems to be little devastated at the thought that the undead killer of the Crystal Lake didn't love him. "Of course he loves you! Why wouldn't he?" John shrugs his shoulders and then just looks at the ground. "Because I'm just your nephew. Maybe he just acts liking me because he likes you." I feel a small smile form on my lips as I walk over to give him a hug.

"Jason won't lie to you. He really likes you. And if he doesn't, then I don't like him either. You are the most important little boy in my life and there is no way I'm letting someone to hurt you." I hear John hum at my words as he wraps his arms around me. "But what if you get a little boy? Then I won't be the only one." The thought of having my own kids was so far away from my thoughts. I never really thought about having one because I never found my "the one".

"Why would I want to have a boy when I have the greatest nephew in the world? And if that would happen, it wouldn't change my feelings towards you!" John looks at me with those big sad eyes which reminds me of Jason. I smile at him and give his forehead a kiss. "You don't need to be worried about that." I ruffle his hair. John gives me a little giggle which makes me feel better. His happiness was my happiness.

"Can we make pancakes later? I would really want some!" I laugh at his words and nod. "Well your wish is my command!" He patted Cola's neck as he was chuckling. "I would like to have a brother or a sister." I feel a smile form my lips as I turn back to face my work. "You need to speak with your parents about that." I hear John stop chuckling and I was worried that I hurt his feelings. "But I want you to have them."

I turn to look at him, surprise written on my face. "What?" He looked away from me, a little shy look on his face. "I want to have a cousin that I would call my sibling. My parents don't want any more kids since I can be a brat." I felt horrible for him. This can continue like this. They can't treat him so horribly like they were doing now. "I will speak with your father. Maybe, just maybe I could have you live here with me."

He turned to look at me with wide eyes. "Really?! You would do that for me!" I smile at him and nod happily. "Why wouldn't I? You are my favorite!" He jumps down from Cola's back and runs over to me. He gives me a tight hug with a wide smile. "Thank you auntie! I love you!" I feel some tears form in my eyes. "I love you too little one. But I'll finish over here. You go and find Benny! And don't go near to those cows since there is a bull somewhere among them."

John nodded as he ran away from the stable. I look at the empty stall where Brownie used to live. I feel some tears from in my eyes but I quickly wipe them away. I turn to look at Cola and give her muzzle a pat. "I'm sorry. You'll soon have a little friend." Cola lifted her head and pressed it against my shoulder as to give me a hug. "I love you." I give her a hug and pat her shoulders. She neighs right next to my head which makes me smile.

"I'll give you some good food tonight since you have been such a good girl tonight." I walk away from the stable to see that John was throwing a stick with Benny. I look at them for a while with a smile on my face until I start walking towards the house. "Come one boys! Let's get inside!" They turn to look at me as I reach the door. I turn to look at them as they both were running towards me. Benny was much faster than John so he was standing in front of me in a heartbeat with his tongue hanging from his mouth.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now