Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

I wake up when I hear Benny barking downstairs. I sit up and listen for a while. I feel movement beside me and see that Jason sits up next to me looking as confused as I was. "Morning." I say to him and he gives me a little nod. I get up from the bed with a stretch. It was little weird that he came here at night but then again maybe he was just lonely.

"I will go and take a look at what he's barking at." I say and make my way downstairs. Benny was barking at the door so I walk over there and open it but I couldn't see anything. I look around little confused but then close the door. "What is it boy?" I ask but he only looks at the door. I hear heavy footsteps behind me and I turn around to face Jason. He was looking at me but I notice scratch marks on his mask.

"Jason, what happened to your mask?" I walk over to him and take a closer look at the mask. He shakes his head and points at the window. I turn my eyes to look at it and see that there was a big tree outside. Jason points at it and nods his head. "You scratched it on a branch?" I ask him and he nods eagerly. I cross my arms and send him a look. "Really?" I ask him and he nods again, little slowly this time.

"You wouldn't lie to me Jason?" I ask him sweetly and he shakes his head quickly. I hum at him. He isn't a good liar. "Are you sure?" I ask and he nods again. I nod with him and lift my hands up. "Okay Jason, I believe you." I say to him happily and he seems to be relieved. If he wanted to have some secrets, it would be fine by me. Maybe he was thinking that I would be angry at him because he got hurt? But he didn't seem to be that hurt to me.

"I'll go and do my morning routine. You can wait here or go and wake up John." I say to him and he nods and heads upstairs. John really likes Jason and that makes me happy. Usually he doesn't have much to do when I was doing farm work and he was little lonely. But now that Jason is here again, he can have someone to play with him. And maybe Jason needs him too. He finally has someone to play with after all the years of loneliness.

After getting ready for the day, I walk to the kitchen to do some breakfast. I take out some eggs and bacon from the fridge for all three of us. I didn't see John or Jason but I could hear some laughter and running around upstairs. They were probably playing already. After breakfast was ready, I walked over to the stairs to inform John and Jason. "Boys! Breakfast is ready!" I yell and hear John run up to stairs. "Okay auntie!" He says, a wide smile on his face.

"Remember to be nice to Jason!" I say to him and he nods. "I'm nice to him. We were just playing!" He says and runs back to his room. I shake my head with a smile. Those two are just so adorable. I walk back to the kitchen and Benny was sitting there, looking at me silently almost like he was seeing something I couldn't see. "Are you okay boy?" I say and walk over to him. I pat his head and he was still just staring at me with his brown eyes. He was acting little weird right now but maybe he was just tired.

John and Jason walk to the kitchen to wait for the food. As Jason walks past me, I can see that there is scratch marks on his back too. But these were spelling out something. "Jason, wait." I say to him and he stops in his tracks. I walk over to him and take a closer look at the marks. They were spelling FREDDY in big letters. Was he one of his friends or? "Who is Freddy?" I ask him and Jason turns around to look at me, a horrified look in his eyes.

He puts his hands on my shoulder and shakes me little. He shakes his head furiously as his hold tightens on my shoulders. "Ow, Jason! You are hurting me!" I say to him and he lets go of my shoulders and falls to his knees in front of me. I look at him confused as he wraps his arms around me and rests his head against my stomach. John looks at us alarmed that something was happening and I put my other hand on Jason's head and the other one on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, starting to get worried but he shakes his head. This Freddy guy must be pretty bad if he is reacting this way. His shoulders were shaking like he was crying. Was he afraid? "Jason! What is wrong? You know you can tell me." I say to him and he lifts his head to look at me. Sadness was filling his eyes as some tears escaped from them. "Oh Jason! Don't be sad!" I say and get on my knees in front of him.

I wrap my arms around him to give him a tight hug. "Shh, it's okay Jason." I say to him as he was still crying. He turned his face to my neck and I could feel his warm tears hit my skin. He was still shaking from sadness and that broke my heart. "Is he a bad guy?" I ask him and he nods against my neck. "Where is he?" Jason lets me go and puts his hands together and puts them next to his head. He tilts his head as a sleeping motion.

"Is he sleeping?" I ask him but he shakes his head and then he points at his head. I look at him, thinking over his clues. "Dream?" I ask him and he nods again. "He is in dreams?" I question him again, making him nod again. I put my hands on his masked cheeks, trying to comfort him as best as I could. "It okay. He can't hurt you." I say but he shakes his head and points at me. "He wants to hurt me?" He nods at my question and hugs me again.

Who was this Freddy and why did he want to hurt me? Was he Jason's enemy? I pat his back as comfort. I was going to help him. I don't care if it would be the final thing I ever do but Jason didn't deserve this. "Come on now Jason. Let's talk about this little later. Let's eat before it gets cold." I say to him and he nods. I get up and he follows right behind me. He was still little shaky. I take my seat and give them their breakfast. John start to eat with me but Jason only looks at his food but doesn't do anything. I look at him but then realize that he doesn't want to remove his mask.

I take my plate and turn away from him, giving him his privacy. I can feel his eyes on my back, looking at what I was doing. "John, give Jason some privacy. He's little shy about his face." I say to him and look with a corner of my eye as John turns away from Jason too. I start to continue eating and hear the mask hit the table as Jason removes it from his face. A smile comes to my face as I hear him eating the food. I hope that some day he is comfortable enough to show me his face again.

After breakfast, I give John and Jason a permission to play in the yard as I was going to take care of the animals and give some water for the plants. The was so much to do and so little time. I started to think that maybe I should hire some locals to help me taking care at the farm at mornings and during the day, so I would have more time to spend with Jason and John. But I should talk with Jason first so that he would be okay with that.

My thoughts traveled back to that Freddy guy. He must be really bad if Jason was that devastated when I spoke about his name. A shiver runs down my spine as the thought of him. He must be the one who scratched his mask. So that was the reason Jason lied to me about them. I look at them as they were playing together happily. I hope that Jason would get his mind out of the bad things right now, just he could enjoy playing with John. And later we could speak about Freddy, if he even wants to talk about him.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now