Chapter 1

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Jason's POV

It has been already two months since they started to build a cabin right outside my territory. Mommy said that I must kill all the workers but I never got a chance to kill them. Because of that I was observing them closely.

They were doing finishing touches to the cabin and a building next to it. Those stupid men never saw me standing right next to the forest line. Those men were stupidly handsome and I felt a little jealous because of that. Since my birth I have been ugly because of my disease. My mommy always said that I was the most handsome boy she had ever seen comforted me but all the other kids said that I was an ugly freak. There was one girl who never said that I freak or ugly.

She was my only friend and because of that she was my best friend. She was a year younger than me. We were friends since we were babies because our mommies were friends. Her name was (Y/n).

I shooked the thoughts about my childhood friend away from my mind and watched as the men finally finished building the cabin. They packed their stuff and left. After the last of them had left I stepped out from the forest and approached the cabin. The cabin was lovely and I knew mommy would have loved to live in it. Maybe I should expand my territory here too so mommy could live in the new cabin?

I walked over to another building and took a look inside. It was a stable. I remembered when I went to (Y/n) house all those years ago there were horses there. My mommy never allowed me to ride one of the horses because she told me that I would get hurt if I fell down. (Y/n) felt a little bad for me because I never got to ride the horses. Because of that she always let me pet the horses.

I hear a car coming to the land and I walk back to the forest line. I go behind a tree and look back at the cabin. Two pick up trucks with a horse transport wagons arrived to the cabin and after that came a big moving truck and one smaller car. Six men came out from the vehicles and they started to move furniture inside the cabin and stable. From one of the cars came out (h/l) (h/c) haired young woman. She had pretty (s/c) skin and big (e/c) eyes. She had a flannel shirt and top under that. She had jeans and rider boots. She smiled and told something to the men. "My sweet, sweet Jason. That's (Y/n)! She came back for you!" I was surprised. I thought she would have forgotten me long time ago. I was happy because she was back but what if mommy was wrong and she didn't remember me?

She went back to the car and opened one of the doors. Out came a dog which was black and white. It started to run around. It looked so fluffy and cute. It suddenly lifted its head and stared right at me. I lifted my hand and waved at it. Its tail was wagging and it started to run to me. (Y/n) looked at it and laughed. "Benny don't go too far!" She took boxes something from the car. I backed away from the tree and Benny came to me. I stared at it and it was staring at me. When I got a closer look it was even cuter. I started to pet its head. It was wagging its tail and licking my hand. I was so happy!

"Benny come back!" I heard (Y/n) yell. Benny stood up and ran back to her. I watched at (Y/n) again and saw that she was holding a toy on her hand. She threw the toy and Benny went after it. I wanted to play with Benny again. Maybe (Y/n) would like to play together later? I looked at the men and they had two horses with them. One was black and the second was brown and white. They looked cute too. (Y/n) goes to them and tells something to the men and after that the men start taking the horses to the stable. Maybe she would let me pet the horses again!

One of the trucks doors opens and I see a little boy and I look at him. Is he (Y/n)'s kid?! What if she already had a handsome husband? She would never choose me, a freak, over some beautiful man. The boy walked over to (Y/n) and yelled "Auntie (Y/n) can I go and play with Benny?" (Y/n) turned around and said "Okay, but don't go too far with him." The boy smiled and ran away with Benny. The boy is only her nephew and I was a little relieved. I looked at (Y/n) and got lost in her beauty.

(Y/n) POV

I was finally moving to my brand-new home! I was so excited and I brought my nephew John with me because his parents were in a business trip. He was like an angel and I love him. Now he was playing with Benny and I smiled at the sight. He reminded me about my childhood friend Jason. He was so innocent and lovely back then. When I heard the news about his passing I was heartbroken. He was my best friend and I still miss him. I started to lift my things inside the cabin. I moved close to Crystal Lake because I never got a chance to visit the camp when I was younger. Mom always said that it would be waste of time because I needed to help with the horses. I always thought that if I was with him at that summer camp would he still be alive?

I finished putting everything to their right places and sat on the couch. I heard John and Benny playing upstairs together. I smiled and went to the stairs. "John! I'm going to take care of the horses! Stay inside! I'll be back in 10 minutes!" "Yeah yeah!" He yelled back at me. I went to the front door and but on my shoes. I went to the stable and smiled at the horses. I had a black mare named Cola and another horse which was brown and white. He was a stallion named Brownie. They were both 5 years old and I used them to go for a ride in the forest. They can also do some farm work but I only used them at work if my farm machines wouldn't work. I put some more hay to them and checked if they had enough water. At the corner in my eye I could see movement and I looked that way. There was nothing so I thought it must have been an animal.I petted my horses heads and went back to the cabin. I started to make dinner for me and John. I can finally start my own life alone and maybe I can finally get over the loss of my childhood friend and start a family on my own. Tomorrow I will start working on my farm and wait till they bring my cows and sheep. I have to go and take a look at the barn behind the stable. I had to make sure that my animals have the best life in here. I will start my perfect life by the Crystal Lake and I'm not going to let anything change that.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now