Chapter 28

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Jason's POV

I send a glare to his way which made him look small on his seat. I didn't like him at all but I needed to make sure that John and (Y/n) were happy. Eddy was shaking in his seat as he turned his gaze away from me. "Here you go!" (Y/n) said happily as she put a glass of juice in front of me. It had a straw in it so I could drink more easily. I turn my gaze on her and give her a sweet smile. She was so nice to me this morning.

(Y/n) put a plate of pancakes in front of John who was liking his lips. I wanted some pancakes too but I wasn't comfortable to eat in front of Eddy. "Thanks Auntie!" John said with a wide smile as he took a bite from his breakfast. (Y/n) send him a smile and then turned to Eddy. "Here's your coffee." She put a cup in front of him but her words were cold as ice. I see the Eddy flinches at her words and with a shaky hand, he takes the cup.

The color was returning to his hand while his missing finger was all patched up. I didn't regret cutting off his finger since he was a liar and a meanie. "S-so, what's the deal with Freddy?" He suddenly asked which made me angry. This wasn't his business at all! "He's a dream demon who's jealous of Jason." (Y/n) said as she walked behind me. She put her hands on my shoulders and gives them a little squeeze.

Eddy looks at her with a disgusted look which made me angry. "So he attacks in your dreams?" Eddy asks with a little sarcastic tone. I tighten my fists which makes him panic. "But I-I believe you!" (Y/n) gives my shoulders little rubs as she hums at her brother. "You better be. Jason is not a liar and nether am I." I wrap my hand around her wrist and then squeeze her hand. Eddy sends us a confused look.

"Auntie can we go ride Cola later today?" John suddenly asks which makes us all turn to him. I hear (Y/n) giggle as she lets go of me and walks over to the boy. "Of course we can! You can ride with me if you want to!" John gets a big smile on his face and he reaches for her. "Thank you auntie!" Eddy gets a little sad look on his face as he turns his gaze to look at his coffee cup. I send him a glare. He was faking it.

"I'm sorry sis. I... I didn't think it though." He suddenly says which makes me think that maybe he was truly sorry. (Y/n) sends him a little sad look as she ruffles John's hair. "It's fine. Now John, when you're ready you go and change. I won't take you outside when you're only wearing your pajama." John giggles and runs off upstairs while Benny follows him. Eddy lifts the coffee cup and takes a sip while (Y/n) takes John's plate and takes it to the sink.

"I'll buy you a new horse. It can be whatever you would like. I promise." (Y/n) turns to look at him and sends him a little glare. "I know that you are sorry but I don't want you to do anything that's about me or my animals. I already spoke about this with dad." Eddy seems to look guilty but I want (Y/n) to stand her ground. He may try to do something again which would lead to his death by my hand.

"Why won't you let me help you? You're my younger sister!" Eddy insists but (Y/n) doesn't seem to be amused about that. "I may be but you have been a complete asshole to me for years now! Ever since you moved to the city! I don't even know who you are anymore!" (Y/n) said as she walked over to me. I wrap my arm around her and bring her into a tight hug. Thank God she knows who I am even if I'm a killer now.

"You say that to me when that retard is killing everyone that goes to that campsite! Have you lost your mind?!" I send Eddy an angry glare but he wasn't backing down now. "How dare you say something like that to Jason?! He has been here with me since I moved here and he has been taking care of your son when you have been such an awful father. Even John loves him but you can't see that since you're too blind."

Eddy shakes his head with a laugh as he looks at his sister. "John doesn't love him. He's afraid of him but he can't say that because that big dummy would kill him!" Those words sounded oddly familiar. Was he... like Freddy? Maybe that dream demon found a way to stay here without us sleeping or him being pulled out of there. I stand up which seems to catch them both off guard. If he was the dream demon, I could finish this right here for once and for all.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now