Chapter 16

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(Y/n)'s POV

Coffee started to taste so bitter when I have had it for the whole day. Jason was watching over me while I had a headache from all the crying and lack of sleep. I was flipping through some photos where Brownie was just a foal. I was already missing him but it was all my fault that Eddy killed him. Jason took care of the animals all alone after what happened because I didn't want to go outside for the rest of the day. He wasn't angry at Cola either even when she kicked him which was a huge relieve to me. I didn't want him to get hurt because of my animals.

I feel two large hands take a gentle hold on my shoulders. I turn my head to see that hockey mask right next to my head. I smile at Jason and pat his masked cheek. "Sorry Jason. I didn't mean to let you do all the work." I whisper to him but he only shakes his head. I feel horrible when I just left him do my work all alone. I didn't want him to be my slave because my feelings were hurt. I needed to be strong from myself and I know that I can't let this affect me forever. I needed to move on fast but it was so hard.

"Thank you. Really. Tomorrow I'll do your work too." He quickly shakes his head and he puts his hands on my cheeks. He keeps them there as he tilts his head and leans his masked forehead against mine. I smile and put my hands around his neck. He was petting my cheeks gently and the motions almost makes me fall asleep. "Jason... I'm sleepy." I say to him which makes him pulls away. He nods and lifts me in his arms.

"Jason, what are you doing?" I question him but he doesn't even try to explain anything. He walks to my bedroom and puts me on my bed. What's going on? "Is Freddy gone?" I ask but he shakes his head at me. I feel confusion form in me when he does that but then he lays next to me. I turn to my side to face him. "Are you going to sleep with me?" He nods at my words and he puts his other hand on my cheek. "Why?" I ask from him but he just keeps rubbing my cheek so gently that it sends me to the dream world.

When I open my eyes, the sunlight shined directly in them. I shield my eyes from it and I see the Camp Crystal Lake. It didn't look old and run down like that time when John and I visited it. "What the..?" I look around until the campsite I see Jason just standing there waiting for me to notice him. Was this his dream? "Jason!" I say happily as I run over to him. He opens his arms to me and I give him a tight hug.

"What is this?" I ask and he points at himself. "Is this your dream?" He eagerly nods which makes me smile at his cuteness. "It's beautiful but why here? Why not back at home?" I ask from him. I didn't know why he would dream about the place where he and his mother died a horrifying death. Jason lets go of me and starts to lead me towards one of the cabinets. "Where are we going?" I ask from him but he only leads me towards the cabin.

He opens the door for me and I step in the cabin. It was so cozy and warm that it was a dream. No wonder he dreams about this. "Jason?" I hear familiar voice say behind one of the slightly open doors which makes me stop and turn to look at that door. I shift my gaze to Jason and he just nods at me. I walk to the door and open it quickly, only to see a kitchen. It smelled amazing there and I hear someone humming something. I turn down the corner only to see a familiar figure.

"Mrs. Voorhees?" I ask from the figure who turns to look at me. It was really her, his mother. "(Y/n)? It's good to see you again!" She says happily and gives me a tight hug. I feel happiness and sadness form in my gut. She was still alive in his dreams. Jason is special but he isn't an idiot. His mother was his whole world when we were younger and it seems that she still was. "How are you?" She asks happily as she lets go of me to turn around to face the stove again.

I turn around to look at Jason, who seemed to be happy by the look in his eyes. This was something he missed for all these years. I wonder if he tried, would he be able to die? Like if Freddy killed him, would he still come back? Or would he be able to get finally the rest he deserved? If he couldn't die he could never join his mother in after life which made my heart break for him again. He would be all alone for eternity.

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now