Chapter 33

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(Y/n)'s POV

The drive home was awkward to say the least. Eddy was apologizing the whole way back and offering me the pills he got from his friend who works in a mental hospital. I ignored him but his whining and crying started to become annoying. John was sleeping in the back seat the whole time. "(Y/n), please! I didn't know and I didn't believe you at first. But now I believe you one hundred percent!" He said while he sends me a sad look from the driver's seat.

I roll my eyes and turn to look outside. I can't believe that he stole my car so he could go and get that drug. "Are we even now?" He asks with a quiet voice which made me turn to look at him. He really seemed to regret what he did. I know that I can't stay mad at him for the rest of my life. I know that he's an asshole prick who only cares about himself but maybe, just maybe he could change. "We're even. I'm not an angel myself anymore." He chuckles at my words and turns to look at the road.

"How did he come back? Do you have any idea?" I shrug at his question. "I really don't know but I'm glad that he's back." He nods as he looks at John through the rearview mirror. "He seems to like John..." He said with little sadness in his voice. I smile at his words. "He doesn't like John. He loves him. John reminds me of him and I believe that Jason sees it too." Eddy thinks for a moment and then shakes his head. "I don't see it. They're nothing alike. You know that Jason was... Well, Jason."

I send him a glare and huff. "I don't mean it by appearance! They're both gentle souls who just want to be loved. If you learn to look at people past their faces, then maybe you could see the beauty inside of them." I turn to away from him again. I can't believe that he has just one layer and that's being an asshole every moment he got. "Sorry. I just don't see the things that you see. Or not anymore at least. My move in the city changed me."

I know what he meant but when I lived in the city I knew that I would never want to live there for the rest of my life. All that traffic and people. It wasn't for me and I don't miss it at all. "I know what you mean but I fought it. I knew who I was deep inside and got back home as soon as I finished my studies." Eddy doesn't say anything when he turns to the road which leads to my home. "Maybe someday I'll remember who I am and where I came from." He says calmly with a sad smile on his face.

"What about you? Are you sad because of Linda?" He nods but then he lets out a little sad laugh. "I am sad but at the same time I feel... free?" I tilt my head at his words. "I know that it sounds horrible but I loved her. She had this ability to be little controlling. I don't know..." He seemed to be little bothered. "Hey..." I start and put my hand over his shoulder. He turns to look at me with a warm smile. "It will get better sooner or later. Trust me." He nods at my words and turns to look at the road again.

When we finally get back home I could see Benny at the window, waiting for us to get back. When he sees me exit the car he starts to bark and jump around the living room with his fluffy tail wagging. To my surprise when I walk to the side yard I see my Dad's truck with a horse-trailer. "What's he doing here?" Eddy asks as he walks beside me. I see that he left John to sleep in the car. "I don't know but I'm going to find out." I say to him and start to walk towards the stable.

When I open the door I could see mom and dad there. "Surprise!" They yell when they see me. To my shock I see two new horses. One of them was a small leopard patterned appaloosa and the other one was a huge grayish shire horse. Both of them were with Cola who seemed to be happy of their company. "You got me two horses?" I couldn't believe that they did this after I told them that they didn't have to. I was over the moon! They were so beautiful!

"I know that you said no but I couldn't resist! You're my little girl after all! You deserve the best." Dad walks to me and gives me a tight hug. I hug him back and can't help but to cry. "Thank you so much!" I see that mom was looking at me with a worried look on her face. "Oh God (Y/n)! What happened to you?" She looks at the stitches and bruises on me. I let go of dad who was looking at me too. "I got attacked by a bear. It was a little one and surprised me but thankfully Benny was there to stop it."

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now