Chapter 12

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Jason's POV

The forest was cold and dark tonight. I had to patrol the campsite for any intruders and make sure that mommy was okay. I was furious about (Y/n)'s brothers behavior but I was sadder because John had to go but I was hopeful that I could see him soon again. I was just worried that that dream demon would come back do something to him when he was away and I couldn't protect him. But I could make sure that (Y/n) was safe here with me. I was little surprised when she said that she loved me but I remember that mommy used to say that to me too.

I was confused when she kissed my mask but when just ran away from me, I assumed that she loves me as a friend like long time ago. That seemed to be little weird but maybe she only saw me as a friend. I have seen some teens kiss each other too even when they were just friends. Besides I was raised to know that premarital sex is wrong and it's punishable like mommy used to say when I was younger. But mommy liked (Y/n) really much so maybe she wouldn't be too mad if we did something together?

I walk to my own little cabin where mommy was. As I walk in her room I was horrified to see that none of the candles were turned off. I quickly search for the matches around the room, feeling panic rise in me. I didn't hear mommy the whole time I was at (Y/n)'s house so maybe she was angry at me because the candles weren't lit on. I quickly lit them and when all of the candles were burning again I wait for a moment and try to listen if I could hear mommy's voice. I was getting more and more anxious when I didn't hear her.

My worry was turning in to a rage when I didn't hear mommy's voice. "My sweet boy Jason. You have been a good boy." I hear her talk to me and I was relieved, feeling the anger go away as soon as she talked to me. I sit happily in front of her and look at her for a while. She is as pretty as always. I slightly straighten her sweater that had moved when I lit the candles. "You need to protect her Jason. She needs to be here with you and me." Mommy says and I tilt my head at her words. She wants to keep (Y/n) here? In my cabin?

I knew that the campsite was dangerous because of the old buildings and the traps I have but around my territory. (Y/n) could get hurt out there without me. And she had animals she and I needed to take care. "She will understand if you bring her here. You could be a family together." I was little happy at the thought that (Y/n) and I would be a family but maybe (Y/n) didn't want to be a family with me? Why couldn't she just be my best friend like long time ago? I wouldn't want to look like an idiot in front of her if she told me that she didn't want to be in my family!

I decide to leave mommy alone for now and go patrol the campsite again. I heard something by the lake so maybe some teens came over there when I was walking here? I look at my machete to see if it was sharp enough but I think that it's good for now but I needed to sharpen it soon. And if I wasn't going to use it now then I would do something little more creative. I put the machete back on my belt where it was most of the time.

I walked back over to the campsite and see that there is only a boy and a girl. They were skinny dipping in the lake and I was going to wait for a while to get a perfect chance to kill them. I could see that they were having sex in the lake. I feel the anger boil in me because of that. How dare they come to my territory just to fuck around? So disrespectful. I look at the shore and see that their bags were there with their clothes. The water must be little chilly but they don't seem to mind about that.

I see that they had put on a fire next to their things. I always liked to sit by the fire when I was at the camp but it also brought unpleasant memories because I always got teased if the other kids saw me by the fire. I didn't like to get teased so whenever they did that to me, I would always go to the kitchen to hide with mommy. She always gave me something sweet as comfort but all I just really wanted was to have a friend with me at the camp. But that never happened because (Y/n) never came here with me.

I take my machete when I see the boy run to the fire and wrap a towel around himself. I look at him and decide that I should take care of the boy first. I look around the ground and step on a stick to get his attention. He turns to look towards me but the doesn't see me when I hide in the darkness that was surrounding me. He looks around the dark forest and calls out if anyone was there but I slowly made my way to little deeper while I kept a close eye on both of them.

The boy walks over to that spot where I stepped on the stick to investigate. I sneaked behind him as he wondered little deeper in the woods and wait for him to turn around. When he turns around a horrified expression comes to his face just before I sink the machete's blade deep inside his skull. His hands reach out to take a hold on the sharp blade as blood starts to pour out of his wound. His eyes roll back in his sockets as he falls on to the forest floor, still twitching little while making a little groaning noise.

I turn to look at the girl who was sitting now by the fire, her back facing me. I start to walk towards her silently, the machete hanging from my right arm. The blood from the boy was dripping from the blade on to the cold sand. I walk right behind her and stand there, looking at her for a moment. She was drying her hair by the fire while sitting in front of it. "Where did you go?" She asks with a little happy hum but she was still facing the fire. I breath heavily behind her to scare her little more.

She lets out a little laugh and turns around to face me with a smile. As soon as her eyes land on me, her happy face turns into a horrified look as she starts to back away. She screams out a high-pitched scream but I take a hold of her neck and throw her in to the fire. She lets out another scream and tries to get up from the flames but I pierce the machete through her chest. She gasps but then goes still. I lift her body up from the flames and throw her on to the sand. I walk towards the spot where the boy's body was and I start dragging him towards the shore.

When I get them together, I tie the towels around their feet and but some heavy rocks to the other end. I throw the bodies into the lake, where they can be forever never to be seen again. I look through their bags but they don't have anything interesting in them so I decide to toss them in the lake with their owners. I turn to look at the fire after my work was done and decide to sit down for a while. The red flames danced around, sending their warmth around it. I could feel some of the warmth on my skin. It felt pleasant, like mommy's touch used to be.

Suddenly I see a deer walk from the forest towards the lake to drink from it. It sees me but doesn't mind that I was sitting by the fire. I used to hunt them for food but now I don't do that very often anymore. I always felt little guilty if they stepped in my traps because I had to kill them. I didn't want them to suffer so I tried to make it as quick as I could. Sometimes I would bury them if they were young because I didn't want the babies to be eaten by anything bigger. They didn't deserve to be bullied.

After drinking some of the cold water, the deer ran back to the forest, disappearing to the night. I turn my gaze to look at the night sky which was full of bright stars. They were always so pretty but I haven't had anyone to share them with earlier but maybe (Y/n) would like to look at them with me some time? Maybe after we get rid of that dream demon she would be happy to stay awake with me just one more night.

Suddenly I have this funny feeling in my chest. It was horrible, like I was getting stabbed in it. I get up from the sand and look around. I know that something bad has happened but I don't know what. I quickly make my way to my cabin. What if something bad happened to mommy? I would never forgive myself if that was the case. And she would never forgive! I didn't want to lose her again and the thought that I could never see her again made a shiver run down my spine.

I arrive to my cabin and hurry to the shrine. I open the door and see that everything was okay with mommy. I was relieved and happy that nothing bad happened to her and I sit down in front of her. Everything was fine here but then I feel another horrified feeling. What if something bad happened to (Y/n)?! I get up faster than lightning and start to run back to (Y/n)'s home. I was too distracted by the fire that I didn't even think about (Y/n) that much. What if she fell asleep and got killed by that demon? If he did anything to her, I would rib out the intestines out of his gut and choke him to death with them!

Things my heart used to know. Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now