37 | so lucky

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Homecoming approaches rapidly with every passing day

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Homecoming approaches rapidly with every passing day. Soon enough, October is halfway over and the dance is merely a week away. I do my best to ignore the posters hanging up around school advertising the event, tuning out the conversations my peers have about their excitement. Mom harasses me at home, constantly asking questions about my plans for homecoming night. I respond with vague answers. She has talked to me less frequently since my outburst over dinner—which now feels like forever ago—and I know she is mad at me. Not that I care. I had been holding in that rage for far too long to be healthy.

Once the week ends, I'm more than ready for the weekend. I can't wait for school to let out, as I'm going over to Devon's, which has become somewhat of a habit nowadays. We spend almost every waking second together, growing closer as our relationship deepens.

I ride with Devon to her house without bothering to tell my mother where I'm going. She doesn't ask much anymore, so I don't tell. Devon and I sing along to Ariana Grande, laughing as we fail to hit her high notes. The air blowing through the open windows is chillier than usual, though it feels good rippling through my hair.

Devon parks in her driveway, and the two of us hold hands as we climb the porch steps and enter her house. We stop in the kitchen to grab water bottles before heading up the stairs and wandering into her room.

I'm not prepared for the sight before me once Devon opens the bedroom door. I hesitate in the doorway, met with shock as my hand flies to my mouth. My eyes well with tears as I take in the scene, unable to believe it's real.

Devon's room is littered with lit candles, their flames dancing and casting a warm glow around the area. Rose petals litter the floor, lined in a trail that leads to the bed, thrown in a recklessly beautiful pattern. Slowly entering the room, I notice four simple letters spelled out in red rose petals on the bed, shaped to spell out HOCO?

I ask Devon wordlessly through my expression what this is all about. She shrugs as she holds my stare, a grin illuminating her features. Her dark eyes gleam as the reflection of the candle flames dance in her irises.

"I know it's cliché," she explains, "but I couldn't resist. Will you go to homecoming with me, Hadley?"

"You did all of this for me?" I question in disbelief, blinking back tears. "Devon . . ."

"I wanted the way I asked you to be sort of special," Devon says, stepping toward me. "So I laid the petals out this morning before school. I asked my mom to light the candles before she left for work. Do you like it . . .?"

"I love it," I assure Devon as I glance around the room once more. It's incredibly hard to believe someone would go to all this trouble to do something so romantic for me, just to ask me to an event as simple as a school dance.

"So," Devon murmurs, wrapping her arms around my waist as she shoots me a grin, "is that a yes?"

I nod, beaming as I meet her warm gaze. "Of course it's a yes!"

"Even if it means I ask you to dance with me in front of everyone?" Devon teases.

I hesitate only a moment before nodding once again. "I'm tired of worrying what people will think of me," I admit softly. "I'm so lucky to be yours. I don't care who knows."

Devon's expression slackens. Slowly, she composes herself, her grin returning wider than ever. She pulls me into her, lips meeting in a sweet kiss that soon becomes frenzied. We stand wrapped in each other as our lips do all our talking for us.

Devon leads me to her bed, where I know we will proceed to mess up all of her hard work.


a/n: i feel like my author's notes consist of three things: me complaining, talking about my girlfriend, or obsessing over taylor swift. which is honestly like my only three personality traits. so.


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