Chapter Four - Kill the Bride

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Chapter Four: Kill the Bride

As soon as my heel hit the patio, I felt my knees go weak. I couldn't see, I couldn't move; all I heard was my heart hammering against my ribcage. It was so bright outside, and the sunlight glared off the white decorations splattered before me. They blurred in front of my eyes, melting into the faces of friends and family as I tried to remember to breathe. In and out, Nessie. Just in and out. I gulped in air and tried not to gasp as the oxygen flooded my lungs.

Dad gently squeezed on my arm, urging me to keep in time to our music. I dragged my unsteady foot forward, trying to do as he wished. He squeezed my hand and whispered low, so only I could hear. "One foot in front of the other, Renesmee."

I nodded, the nerves written clearly across my face as I tried to walk again. The baby-steps came easier with each one I took and, before I knew it, I could actually make out familiar shapes in the crowd around me. Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper near their nomad friends; Grandpa and Grandma behind Mama and her favorite cousin; my Amazon friends in their horrifyingly beautiful attire.

"That's it," Dad said again encouragingly as we passed the halfway mark of the aisle. I clung tighter to his arm as we moved, forcing the smile on my lips to relax while I let my eyes finally wander up to the grand arch at the end of our pathway.

It was as beautiful as all the other decorations dotting the yard; more stunning, even, than some of them. White roses hung off the black metal frame, twisting and bending in an intricate dance only they understood the steps to. Vines from the woods were tangled around them, laced with gauze and pearls and meadow flowers from near the house. Mama had no doubt helped with that; she knew how much Jake and I loved the meadow. As my father and I got closer, my gaze fell to the figures underneath the frame of flowers. I regretted it the moment I made out the grinning shape of Jacob.

My heart pounded twice as fast as I looked at him, and my fingers gripped my bouquet tighter. Looking at him in his fancy tux, with his hair spiked neatly and a matching rose in his lapel, I couldn't help thinking that maybe this was worth it; maybe I was ready to be a wife instead of just the girlfriend. The smile on his face was enough to make me happy I'd agreed to this, even if I did think we could've waited another year or two.

Dad stopped moving as we reached the end of the aisle. He turned to face me, eyes sad as he studied his little girl for one last time. "I love you," he whispered, taking my hand in his.

I pulled it free for a moment and touched his temple, conveying all the love that I could in that silent conversation. His smile was sad as he nodded, but he squeezed my fingers and moved his attention to the dark-suited figure that had appeared at my side.

"Take care of her," he said, expression hardening while he looked Jake in the eye.

"Always," Jake answered with a strong nod as he offered up his hand for mine.

Almost reluctantly, Dad surrendered my white hand and stepped back, going to sit next to my mother, who looked like she was about ready to come after Jake herself if he didn't answer the question sufficiently.

Jacob laced his fingers in-between mine, bringing my attention back up to him. "Are you ready?" he said in a gentle voice.

I squeezed his fingers and took a deep breath. "As I'll ever be," I said, trying not to stutter. His smile returned at my answer and he placed a sweet kiss to my hand, leading me up to the preacher.

The group gathered behind us sat down as the preacher began his spiel, the same one used time and time again throughout the romances of the years. Jake had wanted to keep things traditional, though I had been pushing the idea of writing our own vows; guess he never thought of himself as great with words. Either way, I didn't listen to the preacher as he rambled; I knew what he was saying without having to pay attention. I was more interested in the man standing next to me, who kept fidgeting his foot and playing with my fingers. His eyes were darting around, scanning the tree line almost... restlessly; like he was searching for someone.

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