Chapter Six - Runaway

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Chapter Six: Runaway

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Jake and I opened gifts and cut the cake that was stacked to the tipping point; we mingled with the rest of the family members gathered but the happiness and joy that should've been present was gone, robbed from us by the Volturi and their request. All I kept thinking about was black cloaks and red eyes. What if my eyes turned that color, too? What if they made me kill people just to fill some stupid requirement for their twisted clan?

Jake and I danced for a long time after everyone had settled in again. A couple songs were spent with my uncles and the wolves, but, most of the time, I stayed cuddled up in Jake's familiar arms. We didn't talk much; things were still too tense for that. I could tell, just by this face, that he and my parents were plotting some grand escape scheme to get me out of this new mess. I still thought Grandpa was right; we should go and see what this was really all about instead of running and making things look even worse.

I heard my father and mother's conversations with our vampire friends. They were making the rounds, circulating through the crowd and hitting up each face that I knew well. Everyone sounded calm, but the visitors knew the black cloaks were never a happy sign. They could only mean one thing: another fight.

Whispers were exchanged, and, without any begging, most of them willingly pledged themselves to come and stand by our family once more. We had to defend our rights, after all; we had to show the Volturi that they didn't have as much power as they thought.

They were brave, I would admit, but I couldn't help picturing them all lying dead.

Jake pulled me away each time he realized I was within earshot. It didn't stop me from picking up bits and pieces though, and before long, I knew exactly what was going on. Another guard was being assembled for my safety and, this time, they wouldn't be afraid to start a real fight.

I sat at a table near the edge of the dance floor, studying all my loved ones enjoying themselves on this day that should've been so happy. Now, all I could see were black tally marks as I counted how many of them would no doubt be risking their lives to insure mine. And Jacob... he would be head of the vanguard for this war.

I didn't know what I'd do without him. Throughout my entire existence, he'd been there to comfort, encourage, and give more love than I probably ever should have gotten. The thought of him gone, murdered just to save me, was almost unbearable. I loved him with every single part of my being; I loved him in the kind of way that destroyed you when it was gone.

"You're certainly deep in thought, Mrs Black," came a rough voice from beside me.

I looked over, smiling as I saw my father-in-law with a glass of water extended out towards me. Jake was supposed to have been bringing me something to drink, though he must've gotten distracted if he'd sent his father instead. "Thank you," I said, taking the water.

"Jacob got sucked into dancing with your mother. Again," Billy grinned as I laughed.

"I'm sure he's just thrilled," I said with a shake of my head, knowing how uncoordinated my mother still was, even as a vampire.

With a fond smile, he added, "He seems to be. You make him quite happy."

Right away, my eyes searched the floor, and I couldn't help snickering as I found my mother and husband awkwardly twirling away together. Dad and Aunt Alice were spinning circles around them, and I could just pick up the banter being exchanged between the very different partners. I sipped on the water, letting my gaze wander to another group occupying the floor. The pack had kept their distance from everyone tonight, much as I had expected, and they were grouped together in a corner. No one had complained about the smell from either side, so I would give them some credit for that. Maybe they were finally getting used to each other.

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