Chapter Nine - Seeing Daylight

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Chapter Nine: Seeing Daylight

It had been three weeks since the last time I'd seen daylight. No one would let me go above ground; they wouldn't even let me sit in a room unsupervised. Someone had to be there to make sure the Volturi hunters didn't crawl in through our non-existent windows and steal me away.

My parents called each other every three hours, sometimes more if Mama got worried or bored. Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rose usually stayed together in the living room or in their bedroom, only separating the few feet to take their shifts as bodyguard. Jacob never left my side.

I spent most of the days playing piano, which seemed to be calming to both me and everyone else. My father had sent the sheet music for some of the old tunes he'd taught to me, though I knew those by heart. There were a few new books on the rack beside the bench, and I worked through those as easily as breathing. I'd need something new soon to keep me from dying of boredom.

I sat at the piano bench, fingers hovering above the white keys as I tried to pick a song out of the dozens scrolling through my head. Jacob was in the armchair near the piano, and his eyes drifted between me and the book in his lap that he obviously wasn't reading. Aunt Rose and Emmett were in their room, again, and Mama was buzzing about like usual.

"Nessie, why don't you play the lullaby," Mama said, coming into the living room from the kitchen. She brought in a plate of cookies and set them in Jake's lap, then took a place on the couch, smiling at me. She added, nodding towards the closed door behind her, "We need something to cover up the moans."

Jake smirked. "They are pretty bad, aren't they?"

I just nodded and my fingers immediately went to work over the keys, picking out the lullaby I'd had memorized for as long as I could remember. It'd been the first song I'd learned, and it made the homesickness growing in my stomach even worse. I missed my father. I wished he would've come with instead of Uncle Emmett, but I knew he was needed. Grandpa had plans to convince the Volturi, and my father was going to assist him, even if I'd rather he had been sitting beside me and critiquing my posture.

My fingers froze abruptly, and I covered my face with my hands to hide the tears gnawing at my eyes.

Jake was next to me on the bench in less than a second, one arm around me as the other tried to free my hands again. "Renesmee? Ness, are you alright?"

Mama came next to us, her icy hand gripping my shoulder. "Is something wrong?"

I sighed in frustration, pushing against Jacob's embrace, but he only clung tighter. "Let me go! I'm fine."

"Renesmee, what's going on?" he demanded, keeping his grip on me. Mama took a step back, seeing that Jake had me safely wrapped up.

I tried to stand up again, but was firmly kept in place.

He growled warningly as I struggled again, saying under his breath, "Something's wrong. Tell me."

"Let go of me," I challenged and his arms loosened.

He waited as I sat in silence.

"I want to see the sun," I said, loud enough so that even Auntie Rose could hear it in her room. "I want to breathe fresh air and go hunting. I want to get out of this hell hole and do something. I want to go home, or to Alaska, or anywhere that isn't this place."

I yanked myself up off the bench, moving so I could look at both my mother and Jacob at once. "I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm married, for God's sake, and you're still all treating me like I'm a baby." I held up my left hand, sliding the ring off and slamming it down on the piano top.

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