Chapter Fourteen - Paint Them Red

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Chapter Fourteen: Paint Them Red

The sound of tearing flesh stung my ears. Jake released a pained whimper and I could hear the other wolf's teeth digging deeper into his throat. He growled and shoved the intruder off, only to be lunged at again and again.

No one else moved.

The pack stood in shock as these strangers fought, growling and barking while Jake and the wolf tore chunks of each other away. Blood was sprinkling the ground, and I could see Jake limping; he wasn't healing fast enough.

Before I could think, I threw myself at the other wolf. It was only too easy to sink my own teeth into his flesh and cause him to release his hold on my husband, focusing instead on trying to fling me off his back. I clung tightly to him, leaving another crescent shaped bite deep inside his fur. The taste of blood was sweet, and the animal side of me began to take over.

Jake blinked at me for a moment, stunned by the transformation. He was too shocked to react. I was not a little girl or the petite woman in a wedding dress; I was lethal. I was beautiful. I was strong.

I become the monster everyone was terrified to let me be.

Years of controlling bloodlust had taught me how to restrain myself with a kill; my parents had shown me how to be civilized and quickly put my dinner out of its misery. My mother, the patron saint of flawless self-control, had tolerated nothing less than being kind.

This wolf, however, had my veins pumping with adrenaline and the desire kill. I had not tasted blood in a very long time, and I'd long ago been desensitized to the smell of wolves. I was going to murder this dog for trying to hurt my Jacob, and there was no turning back now.

I lost my grip on the beast and was promptly tossed into the crowd of the pack, all of them simply watching as I went slamming into the muddy ground. I bared my teeth as I stood back up, lunging at the wolf again, and dug at him with my strong hands. My teeth glinted in the sunlight before burrowing back into his flesh. The wolf took this opportunity to fly at Jacob again, nailing him in the ribs this time. I winced at the sound Jake made but regained my focus as soon as I became the target once more.

Aunt Alice had taught me how to turn fighting into a dance, so it was her moves that I employed as I was charged again and again. Flips, tucks, rolls; I bounced between the ground and the air as if I were flying. My teeth met flesh every time I went in a new direction until the wolf's fur was dyed a sick maroon in many places. He couldn't keep up with my acrobatics.

Finally, Jake let out a commanding bark and I let my feet hit the ground. I looked at him, and then to the wolf shaking in fear a few feet away. I bared my teeth once more before walking to Jake's side. As I retreated, the wolf seemed to gain his strength back. His healing was no doubt kicking in and, as it did so, he realized another attack would be pointless.

He bowed his head in surrender before locking eyes with Jake and Benny.

The other wolves were finally growling and nipping in the direction of this beast, and I could see him backing towards the forest again. Whatever message he had brought, it was not welcomed here. The pack chased him into the forest, all but the two tiniest wolves and Jake disappearing into the trees. The howls that echoed were triumphant and cocky; they were enjoying the chase.

Jake whimpered again and the remaining wolves helped him into the house. I trotted after them, and it was then that I noticed the raised ceilings and doors of the building; this place was designed for giant dogs.

Hannah came rushing out, the elderly woman waddling after her. Without question, they led us into a room off the living area. There was a single bed surrounded by shelves filled with an infinite number of medicinal bottles and bandages. Jake collapsed onto the sheetless mattress, moments later appearing in his human form.

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