Chapter Seven - Airplanes

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  • Dedicated to CloverMay

Chapter Seven: Airplanes

The airplane was quieter than I expected. Maybe it was because we were in first class, or maybe because we were on such a late flight – either way, it was too quiet. The hum of the jets was the only constant noise, paired with the hushed whispering of our fellow passengers and the flight attendants.

I'd been staring out the window for the past hour and a half, watching the land tumble beneath us. In that time span, we'd gone over about four cities and at least two hundred miles of farmland. Jake still wouldn't tell me where we were heading, so I had no idea where the plane was taking us, but he had revealed we'd be switching flights soon. I didn't mind; it wasn't like I could've slept, anyways, with everything that had happened today.

Right now, I was tucked under his arm, curled up against him with my gaze still out the window. He was awake; I could tell by the way he'd twine one of my curls around his finger every few minutes or drop kisses to the top of my head. I was still mad at him for siding with my parents on the "Let's keep Nessie out of the loop again!" issue, but I'd never been able to stay upset with him for long. Plus, the farther away we got from home, the more I realized that it didn't matter. I'd find out what they were doing eventually, at which point I could disagree and protest to my heart's content. Besides, this was our honeymoon; we were supposed to be a pair of love birds for at least a few days.

"Are you asleep yet?" I said, turning my head and looking up at Jake. His eyes were half closed, but they snapped open at the sound of my voice. He pulled me closer and grunted as he tried to fight off the exhaustion evident on his face.

"I'm not tired," he mumbled and pressed his lips to my forehead. His arm tightened around me more, keeping me locked against his chest.

I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness. "It's not like I can go anywhere, Jake. We're on a plane."

"You'd find a way," he said with a loud yawn. I sighed and cuddled closer to him, giving into the argument. We both knew that, if I could find a way, I would; I always did. I had this bad habit of running off on him to explore when I got tired of sitting for too long, but it wasn't like we were at home where I could roam around; we were thousands of feet above the ground.

We stayed like this for the rest of the flight, both of us awake but silent. There wasn't much we could talk about with so many humans around, and I also didn't want to disturb the people sleeping. It was safer to just stay quiet and watch the lights going by below us.

Another hour and the pilot came over the intercom to ready us for landing. The flight attendants buzzed up and down the aisle, shaking drowsy passengers so they'd be ready for the slight walk into the airport. The moment the plane's wheels touched the ground, Jake was throwing his sweatshirt around me and grabbing our carry-ons. Apparently, wherever we were, it was definitely going to be cold; he only gave me his jacket when he knew I'd be chilled.

I laced my fingers through his and we made our way into the airport. He didn't seem in any rush, but he did keep me close to his side and didn't stop moving until we'd found a safe little corner outside a café. He set our things down and pulled out a chair for me.

"We've got an hour before the next one," he said, pecking my cheek as I sat down.

"How much farther?" I said with a sigh, taking my bag from him and rifling through it for my phone. The message sign was blinking away on the screen, and I shook my head; two from Mama, the other from Auntie Rose.

Looking up for an answer from Jake, I frowned as I saw his gaze trained somewhere off in the distance. "What's going o--"

"Quiet, Ness," he said, cutting me off. My frown deepened and I turned to see what he was staring so intently at. His hand was across the table before I could move, grabbing my fingers to keep me in place. "There's someone here."

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