Chapter Eleven - Where?

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Chapter Eleven: Where?

Forty three text messages, thirty phone calls, and seventeen emails; all the notifications glared at me on the screen of my phone. They were from Aunt Rose and Mama mostly, with the odd one from my father and the rest of the family mixed in. I didn't bother to read a single one.

Jake had brought breakfast up to the room. It didn't satisfy the bloodlust that tickled the back of my throat, but it was enough for now. It was a source of energy, which was all I really needed.

We left after the morning buzz had died down out in the streets. People opening shops, setting out store displays, or buying the morning coffee; they bustled in the sunshine, oblivious to dark creatures that existed around them.

Jacob wore the backpack full of our meager belongings and I stayed close to his side. We had showered and changed into clean clothes, making sure we kept up the appearance of being love-struck tourists. It was easy, though we only stayed for an hour. We browsed a few shops, saw a small-town grocery, and then headed decided it was time to move on. Jake never let go of my hand.

On our way out of town, we found a decent car. I'd grown used to hijacking the things, and Jake could hot-wire with his eyes closed. Oh, the things you learned being a supernatural creature.

We drove for what seemed like hours, only stopping to get gas and a few snacks when we were hungry. I took a driving shift, letting Jake sleep again. The empty strip of highway was lonely, and, even with Jake's snoring and the radio, I couldn't help feeling my stomach drop as I realized we really were on our own.

Despite the fear clinging to my throat, I grinned.

The sun was rising when Jacob woke again. He looked at the time, growling under his breath and almost forcing me to pull over. I wasn't usually allowed to drive, let alone drive for hours at a time.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner? You've been driving for half a day, Ness," he scolded, clicking his tongue at me.

"It's really okay, Jake. I'm not even tired," I said, grabbing his tensed hand. His fingers were closed into a strained fist. Gently, I pried them apart, one by one, until his muscles had relaxed again. The stress seemed to drain out of him with every finger I freed.

He shook his head and I pulled over amidst a lecture about not straining myself. I shrugged, getting out of the car and only half listening to him. We switched sides and he sped off again; even though it was dark, I swore I saw a cloud of dust lingering in the background.

We drove in the radio's silence for a long time, me still massaging his tense hand and him glaring ahead at the road. I couldn't tell if he was mad at himself for letting me drive for such a long time, or if he was mad at me for over working myself. Apparently, there was still a little bit of babying going on.

As he warmed up again, we snacked and chatted, pushing the worry underneath our conversation again.

"Have you talked to your parents?" he asked slowly, hesitation in his voice.

I looked down at the backpack at my feet and shook my head. Inside, I knew my message light was probably going crazy, but I couldn't face them. Not yet. Not until we were very, very far away.

"When we get out of the country, I'll call," I promised. They deserved that, at least.

Jake just nodded. "Okay, Ness. Okay."

I paused for a moment before continuing. "Jacob... Where exactly are we going?"

His fingers tightened in my lap again before pulling away and latching onto the steering wheel.

"Somewhere that none of them will be able to touch you," he said through gritted teeth. I sighed, resting my forehead against the cool car window. The exhaustion was starting to kick back in again.

"But where, Jake?" I whispered, staring out at the blank fields around us. "Where?"

He shook his head. "You'll see, Ness."

And then I fell asleep again.

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