Chapter Seventeen - I'll Stay

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Chapter Seventeen: I'll Stay

I forgot how uncomfortable a car could be.

We ditched our newest rental a few hours after leaving the pack, abandoning it in a desolate parking lot in northern Canada. Jake found an SUV with the keys hidden in the wheel well and we continued on in that, driving until the morning light came peeking over the horizon. Once the sun was fully risen, Jake veered off to an exit advertising the World's Best Milkshakes and came to a halt in the parking lot. His fingers finally relaxed on the wheel.

"We need food," he said, the only words to break our silence since last night.

"And a plan," I countered, releasing my seat belt and flinging open the passenger door.


I rolled my eyes as he came zipping around the car, his door slamming just as he materialized in front of me.

"I love you," he said. Gently, he tilted my head up towards his, forcing me to meet his eyes. "We can do this. I promise."

With a harsh laugh, I said, "Jake, we can't spend the rest of time running. We're going to have to face them all eventually."

He released me with a long sigh. He knew I was right.

"You're the one who wanted to run," he answered, combing an agitated hand through his greasy hair.

"You're the one who agreed to come," I retorted, not waiting for him as I headed towards the diner's front doors.

He followed after me, the door chiming as we came crashing inside. The waitress looked up and smiled while we took seats at the nearest booth.

"How can I help y'all today?" she asked as we got settled, holding out two menus.

"Coffee," Jake and I said in unison, both of us exhausted from our travels. She smiled and disappeared.

I kept my menu up, eyes darting around as a slimy feel of fear crept down my spine. Something wasn't right here. Jacob sensed it the moment I did, his menu taunt between his trembling hands.

We'd both recognize that stench anywhere.

The Volturi were here.

My eyes flew to the booth on the opposite end of the diner, a pair of bright red pupils boring into mine. They were here for me; this was all going to be over.

"Are you kidding?" Jake growled, grabbing my hand and racing out the door. I was still in shock, but his insistent dragging snapped me to attention. "Renesmee! Run!"


That was all we did anymore.

I got into the car as a pair of hands came clawing at my window, scraping the glass. The fist flew back to smash the glass, but Jake's foot slammed onto the gas pedal, and the hand hit the back of the car instead of my face.

We flew out of the parking lot, our trackers already behind us in a black SUV.

"We have to ditch them," Jake mumbled to himself, searching the barren countryside desperately. There was nowhere left to run; we were finished.

This was all going to be over.

"Stop," I whispered, watching the SUV through the side mirror. "Just stop. Let me go, Jake, I can end this."

"Renesmee," his voice was hard, "Don't you dare think about turning yourself over to them. We've come all this way, pissed off every member of both our families, and you want to give up now?"

"Do we have a choice?" I snapped back, glaring at him. We were both exhausted; from running, from being hurt, from all of this. If I went with the Volturi it could be over. Granted, I'd truly be an evil bloodsucker, but it'd be over.

The SUV was right on our tail now, and I could hear Jake's foot beating harder against the gas. He wasn't going to let me go; I knew that from the start. He loved me too much to ever let me go.

"If you go with them, you're never coming back," he said quietly, sadly. "You won't be the only one whose life is ended. Mine, your parents, your family; we'll all be devastated, Nessie. You mean the world to so many people. Don't take our world away."

I kept my eyes on him, his words filling the cab of the car. He was right, but I was too; it'd be so much easier to just end this and let everyone have their lives back.

I opened my mouth to say I'd stay, for a little while, at least. But, instead of words, I let loose a scream as my door flew off the car and a pair of white hands yanked me from my seat. 

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