Chapter Five - Red Roses

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Chapter Five: Red Roses

I had only seen this many angry vampires together one other time in my life. Besides my family, there were at least twelve others, all of whom looked about as ready to pounce as my relatives. In addition to them, the wolves had made a wall behind Jake and me, putting us safely in the middle of our safety net and as far as possible from the hooded figures moving towards.

People were still dancing; the few clueless humans who had no idea that they may very well be a snack in a few short moments, and the other wolves who were sticking close to help protect them. I wanted to scream for them to run, but to do that would be to reveal the secret these Volturi guards valued above all others, and that would certainly get me in more trouble than I apparently already was.

Jacob kept both his arms around me as he crushed me to his chest. I could feel him trembling with the anger and frustration boiling inside his chest, a sign that usually meant he raced away from me because he was on the verge of shifting. Right now he clung tighter and I knew he was using me to keep calm, much like I did with him when I got too close to human blood. I rested one hand on his heart, the other going against his temple to project comforting thoughts into his mind; I didn't want him getting in trouble now for his firecracker temper.

The hoods easily skirted around the guests, six of them coming to stand in two regimented lines before our group. Grandpa and my father stepped forward with solemn faces, Mama and Emmett at their flanks.

"This is hardly the place, Jane," I heard my father say in a tense whisper. "We have observers."

The shortest hood uncovered itself, revealing a blonde young woman with eyes redder than any setting sun.

"Then you won't mind joining us inside," she answered, gaze flickering to my mother. "Nice to see you again, Bella."

My mother snarled, and Aunt Rose placed a restraining hand on her arm.

The girl smiled a cruel grin and turned her attention on Grandpa. "Shall we, Carlisle? I'm sure you'd all like to get back to the festivities."

"Edward, Bella, Emmett, and I will join you momentarily," he answered, and spun around to face all of us. "Everyone else, please join Renesmee and Jacob while they open--"

Jane cleared her throat, cutting him off.

"The hybrid and shape-shifter are invited to attend, as well." She spoke slowly, her eyes glaring into me and Jake.

Jacob growled, and I felt his trembling get worse. "No," he spit. "Renesmee stays. I'll go."

"No," I protested, "it's your wedding--"

"They'll both come," Grandpa said, his voice silencing the pair of us. My parents both shot him disapproving glares as they pushed through the crowd towards Jake and me.

Everyone else dispersed, save for Emmett and Seth, who joined the smaller huddle. I looked up at Jacob, shaking my head nervously. I pressed my fingers to his temple, playing back the last few moments coated with all the fear coursing through my body.

He hugged me tight and placed a sweet kiss to my forehead. "I won't let anything hurt you."

I looked up at him, nodding but not relaxing. "I just don't want anything to hurt you."

"Let's get this over with," my mother said quietly to cut us off, beginning the trek back to our house with my father's hand in hers. The group moved in unison, followed by the black cloaks and Grandpa, who was attempting small talk with some of the figures. I was too scared to try and listen to them; I didn't want to move from the protection of my family.

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