Chapter Eighteen - The End

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Chapter Eighteen: The End

Jacob's POV


Her name tore through my throat as she was yanked out of the car. I let go of the wheel, trying to pull her back to me, but she was gone. I could hear her screaming for me, for help, for her parents; it was so loud it seared through every hidden corner of my mind.

"Renesmee! No!" I shouted again as I clawed for her, the seat belt tearing in half. The SUV flew past me, the passenger door closing with a sharp bang as I saw a piece of her ripped shirt dangling out the window.

My car swerved off the road, coming to a halt in front of a line of trees. The air bags went off; I tore one apart and beat my hand against the horn.

They took my Renesmee.

After all the running and hiding and planning, they took her. My beautiful Renesmee, my wife; the girl I'd loved since before she was even born. She was gone.

"Dammit!" I yelled, my hand slamming against the horn. It echoed into the silence. "Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!"

It was no use following them; I knew that. They had her, and there was no getting her back.

I got out of the car, leaving it for the police to find. We'd left a string of them across North America, so I'm sure they'd have fun dealing with this one, too. I couldn't ride in it alone.

Looking once at the empty road, I headed for the trees and leapt into a phase. The wolf was as bad as my human form, but at least I could kill like this. I had to murder something to make up for all the torture they were going to put her through. The Volturi were ruthless and they knew how to hide people; they were going to hide her forever.

But, I was Jacob Black. I was one of the greatest Alphas in the world and they had my Renesmee; they had stolen her from me. I hadn't given up on Bella years ago, and I wasn't about to give up on her daughter, either. I loved both of them too much.

I ran as fast as my paws could carry me, flying through the woods towards the horizon. I didn't know where I was going, but one thing was sure: I was going to do everything I could to get Renesmee back. 

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