Chapter Two - A Midnight Kiss

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Chapter Two: A Midnight Kiss

Sleeping in a house full of lively vampires was never easy, but it was twice as difficult that night. Mama and my aunts kept whisking in and out of the bedroom, slipping some gift onto my vanity or coming to give me more words of encouragement about the big day. "Remember to call us from your hotel;" "Don't forget to sleep with your hair up tonight;" "I can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow!" -- I loved them all dearly, but I needed to sleep; I wouldn't survive tomorrow without some.

They didn't heed that warning, however, and continued to come in as they pleased. I didn't mind, knowing that my nerves would've kept me up anyways. Alice seemed a bit tense on her last round through my room to set up her makeup supplies for tomorrow, and I could hear her whispering fiercely with Mama downstairs once she left, but I didn't let it bother me; I had much more important things to worry about.

Aunt Rose stayed for a long time after that, stroking my curls as she went over a few hairstyle ideas with me. I only paid attention to half of them because I trusted her to make me look stunning, no matter what she did, but I tried to act interested, for her sake. She'd been good to me throughout all of this, siding with me when Mama and Aunt Alice grouped together to plan everything without my approval. The least I could do was nod along as she rambled about making me look pretty.

Throughout my existence, she had been my biggest support system outside of my parents and Jacob. She was always there when I needed anything, ready to assist or defend me no matter what the fight was. If I had to choose someone as my best friend, it would have been her. Besides my mother, she was my confidante, companion, and laughter in so many different ways.

She perched on the edge of my bed, sitting close to me as she talked. The smile on her face was brilliant in the moonlight from the window, and I couldn't help returning it; this was the happiest I'd seen her in months. Speaking in a tender voice, she said, "You will be the prettiest bride in history, Ness."

I laughed, touching my fingers to her cheek and projecting my thoughts into her head. Visions played of me tripping down the aisle or forgetting what to say at the altar; silly things, but ones I was still worried about all the same.

She put her fingers over mine and shook her head. "You've got more grace than me, and you're smarter than all of us put together, Nessie. None of that will happen," she said with confidence, placing my hand back on the blanket.

"I don't know about that," I said with a sigh.

"Uncle Jas will keep you calm otherwise; I'll make sure of it," she grinned, kissing my forehead. "Now, get some sleep. I'll keep your mother and Alice out for a few hours; we don't want you looking like a zombie for the photographer tomorrow," she commanded, getting up off my bed. She went to my door, pausing and saying over her shoulder, "Good night, Nessie."

"Good night, Auntie Rose," I returned in as cheery a voice as I could muster. She nodded and the door closed behind her with a quiet click, leaving me truly alone for the first time all evening.

I pulled the blankets on my bed closer to my body, snuggling into the warmth of the thick quilted material. I always felt cold whenever Jacob wasn't cuddled up with me, but, tonight, I kind of wanted the solitude, at least for a little while. In the next two weeks, I would see plenty of him, even if the uncles and Dad had planned out a very busy, public honeymoon, complete with daily itineraries, destination sights, and a new hotel room almost every night. To say they were trying to prevent any bedroom activities would be an understatement.

This was hard on them, and I knew it; their little baby Nessie wasn't a baby anymore, and I didn't think they'd ever really get over that. In ten short years, I'd gone from a tiny newborn to a proud, accomplished bride-to-be, and they'd watched my life flicker by before their eyes. They had been there for each second of my existence, raising and grooming me to be a true, equal part of their coven. Now, as I tried on wedding dresses and tested cakes, they were starting to realize that their part as teachers was almost over; I was capable of making my own choices, of being my own person. I didn't think they liked the idea letting me go just yet.

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