Part 14

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tae can't stop his eyes from following Tee, he is not focus on whatever his friends are talking about. He realises that Tee has loyal customers that waiting for him to serve them.

Tae keep looks around, he feels something is off with Kim's boyfriend that work as a waiter same like Tee. No one try to flirt or touch Copter inappropriately, pleased people do give him some tips but not like how others treated Tee.

From far Tae can see that Tee is uncomfortable when a man touch him inappropriately, that man keep touching Tee's bottom, Tee try to leave but that rude man hold Tee's arm to stop Tee from leaving.

"I'm sorry, I need to go" insist Tee and try to snatch away his hand but failed.

The rude man pull Tee hard, hard enough to make Tee falls on his laps. He laugh, his friends also laugh at how weak Tee is, Tee can't fight them.

"let me go!" Tee raises his voice but it is useless because of the music in the bar, it's really noisy and dark too.

Tee try to leave again, this time he use his power but still fail to fight the man that is bigger and stronger than him. The rude man start groping Tee's body make Tee disgusted with it.

Someone needs to save Tee because Tee can't help himself anymore, the table also a bit secluded from other tables.

The rude man make Tee to look at him and he is trying to force kissed Tee.

Tae stands up abruptly make the chair he is sitting flying to the floor. His friends are shocked with Tae's action. Tae suddenly become angry.

Tae walks angrily to somewhere, his friends just can watch and blinks stupidly because of Tae's action.

"He told you to stop and let him go!" Tae grabs the rude man arm hard that he hiss in pain. His hold on Tee's hand also become loose. Tee took the chance to stay away from that man and hides behind Tae.

"let him go!" one of them push Tae away from his friend.

Tae raise his fist to punch one of them but Tul come running to stop Tae before the damage begin. Sim and Kim also rush to the situation, Tae is not nice when he is angry.

"what's wrong?" ask Tul try to keep the situation calm, Tae and the groups are fuming with anger.

"I just want to play with the waiter, this man disturb our time!" The man accused Tae for disturbing them.

Tae frowns and want to punch that guy but Sim stops him this time.

"He told you to stop!" Tae shows Tee who is hiding behind him with his face look down on the floor. This fight happen because of him alone.

"You know the rules in here. No one disrespect my waiters in my bar" Tul states clearly about the rule to be in here, they can do more to the waiter if they want it, no forces.

"He is willing to service us for the tips" the man smirks smugly, Tae really want to punch that face.

"really Tee?" ask Tul to Tee directly, only Tee can prove which one is wrong here.

"No. I said no and want to leave" Tee shakes his head denying whatever the customers told about him.

Tul sighs heavily, this stuff happened before but mostly they can control it but this time seems like the customers don't want to back off too.

"I'm sure he want it for money" that was an insult. Tae marches once again and this time he able to punch the rude man, he fall on the chair, lips bleeding.

Tee is shocked that Tae defend him to this stage where he punch a person for insulting him.

"Just because you have money don't give you right to insult what people do!"

"Call security and chase them out. I don't need customers like you guys"

Security come and chase them away, Tul don't even want to take money from people like that. Tae is less angry when the men left the bar, the scene died down too.

Tee is dismissed to get some rest before he continue working, Copter stay with him to make sure he is okay.

At the table, Tae's friends feel weird with Tae's action. Tae never interfere with something like this before, he never get involve directly.

"You can just tell Tul what you saw, don't have to take action by yourself. I don't mean anything bad about your action, just feel weird because you are never like this. You hate to interfere with other's matters" Sim wants to know why his friend is so angry for a stranger.

Sim knows Tae is a protective brother and willing to do anything to his brother but not to others, or stranger.

"that's not important. I watched what happened in here and that waiter of yours always assaulted and harassed by customers, just tonight one of them are too much." Tae is angry and everyone can see it.

"Do you know Tee, my waiter?" ask Tul to Tae, it's weird to defend people this much if they are just a mere stranger.

Tae ignores the question because his head is full with what just happened. Tee working here is not the safest place, even though the pay is high.

"can't you do anything to make your waiter safer? This one clearly don't like the attention he got, maybe a thing can make people stop disturbing him more than necessary?" ask Tae completely ignoring Tul's question just now.

"There is a way, someone can buy a bracelet under his name and make the waiter wear it. It's like a mark that he belongs to someone already. Like this" Tul shows his bracelet to Tae.

It's written 'Max's' 

The one on Kim's wrist written 'Copter'S' 

Sim looks at Tae who is thinking right now, it can be Tae will buy the bracelet and make a stranger wear a bracelet under his name.

"How much?" ask Tae to Tul.

Tae is serious and they don't know what to say. It can't be Tae want to buy it right?

Tul mention the price, Tae nods his head. Sim, Tul and Kim look at each other and wait a decision from Tae.

"this bracelet will protect him while working here?" ask Tae to make sure that the bracelet will function well.

"Yes" answer Tul.

"Then make one under mine and his name. I will pay"

Tae decision shocked all of them, Tae wants to mark a stranger.

"are you sure? You can just use any name actually, don't have to put your real name because he is just a stranger to you" Sim reasons with Tae for doing this. It is not Tae's habit to make a decision before thinking thoroughly.

"I order two bracelets. Put mine and his name. Just text me how much together with account number, I will pay for it"

Tul can't say anything back, he invites Tae to his office to discuss and fill in a form to make the bracelets. It's like the agreement to take care of the worker.

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