-mistakes everywhere, not edited-
Tee is nervous while on their way to the hospital, he knows his father will not change like a miracle in just one night. He wants Godt to be happy because he deserve it as much as him. Godt will not be here if not because of his father after all, Thar is punishing a wrong soul.
"you will be fine Tee" Tae can see from his side that Tee is nervous and has been fidgeting since they are in the car. He tries to stay quiet to let Tee takes time to calm down but seems like he needs to talk, maybe Tee wil feel better.
"I don't what to think phi. I can't accept what dad did to Phi Godt, it's unfair" mutters Tee dejected, he hates feeling like this.
Tae takes Tee's hand into his and rubs a small circle in the hand.
"I know Godt was hurt with his dad but he is strong. I know you will never give up to make Uncle Thar accept Godt, one day all your effort and kindness will be repaid by god"
Tee smiles at that, Tae is indeed mature enough and know how to make Tee less nervous. When it involve heart, it will take time to make it how we wants.
Tee thanks Tae for saying words of encouragement like that. Tae smiles back and continues driving to the hospital. Tee is prepared to face his father today, no matter what he will stand with Godt.
Tee and Tae arrives and park the car near Godt and Sim's car, they already arrived for a few minutes and waiting for Tae and Tee. Tee get off from the car first and walk to Godt with a smile.
Godt smiles back and leans down to kiss Tee on the head, he loves Tee so much and he is happy he has a brother now. Tee smiles widely and hugs Godt in return.
Sim smiles at the brothers lovely relationship and he is really happy for Godt to has Tee in his life. Tae frowns because he doesn't like anyone else that close with Tee. He can't even let Tee and Dann sit close together but he needs to learn accepting the siblings.
"let's go" Said Godt and all of them nod their head agreeing.
They take the elevator, Godt's hand are sweating, he thought Tee and Sim will be uncomfortable with his hand but he is wrong, Sim and Tee tighten their holding hands.
Tae did not join the holding hands chain because he doesn't want to look weird to others, what are they doing holding hands in the elevator?
The door of the ward Thar was staying is open and they are an old couple inside together with a man, the driver.
Tee don't know them but he can guess who are they, they are Thar's parent. Godt enters the ward first and go to his grandparent. He hugs his granddad and kiss his grandma. Others just stand there don't know what to do.
"Grandma, Grandpa, this is Tee. Dad's son with Aunty Tyna" Godt introduces Tee to the couple.
To say the old couple are shocked is understandable because they never know Thar and Tyna has a son together. They can't believe it but when they look at Tee properly they can see the resemblance. Tee politely wai the the couple, he knows they did not like him much.
"How!" Nien, Godt's grandma start angrily but Thar is ready to answer his mother.
"Mae, I love Tee and no matter what you say he is Tyna and my son!" Thar is stern with what he told, Nien shut her mouth back, he glares at Tee but Tee doesn't even pay attention to her.
"Dad, have you think about what I told you yesterday?" Tee ignores the old couple and pay attention to his father, he wants to know what his father think now, how he will try to accept Godt. He wants to see an effort, like apologise to Godt or anything.
Thar sighs, he turns his face away from Godt, Tee can see Godt is hurt with what his father did. Sim come closer to Godt and takes Godt hand in his. Godt looks at Sim and smiles a bit.
Tee huffs angrily but he can't do much if his father become this stubborn to accept Godt. Thar doesn't even feel guilty for treating Godt like this.
"seems like whatever I said yesterday didn't cross your heart. Then you will lose both" Tee wants to go and he pulls Godt to leave with him but was stopped by Nien.
"Boy, you can leave alone if you want but Godt is my grandson" Nien scowl at Tee, Tee doesn't even budge, he is not scared nor did he care what Nien thinks about him.
"Mae, Tee is my son no matter you like him or not" Thar voices his word sternly.
"I will not going to let this boy has our family name, I don't want him in our family!" Nien fights back.
Tee sighs with the cheap drama.
"Grandma, Tee is my brother, he is Dad's son too..." Godt try to console them to accept Tee but Tee and Nien stop Godt from talking more than that. Both of them don't like each other.
Tae watches this drama in amusement.
"No! I will not accept him in our family!" Nien retorts harshly.
Thar fights back to his mother and they are arguing for a few seconds before the grandfather, Josh stop all of them from talking. The old man feel he will die because of headache.
"Thar, why you can't love Godt like you love this boy?" ask Josh with tired voice, he needs to sit so bad.
"I'm not a boy, I'm a man!" Tee has time to slip into the conversation making the old man sighs.
"You can accept this kid, you should accept Godt too. They are both your son" Josh said again and again Tee want to object for calling him a kid. He is an adult.
"I'm an adult" mutters Tee softly that only him can hear it, Tae heard it too and he try so hard to control himself from laughing.
"I love Tyna, I never love his mother!" answer Thar angrily.
Everyone is angry with the nonchalant answer because it will never logical for them to think about it.
"Old man!" calls Sim with a glare, he is really angry and can't take it anymore. His lover is in pain because of this stubborn old man. Everyone look at Sim and wait for what he wants to say.
"You really make me want to punch your old face. You realised that Godt and Tee will not be here if your seed is not involve in this matter! The egg alone won't fertilise without the seed! I hate science but I understand that much because I know a baby will not born without woman and man encounter. If you hate Godt's mother that much you shouldn't put your thing in her in the first place! You don't have a right to hate what you make, you contribute 50% to make them born in this world! Don't talk nonsense about not accepting him when he has half on you in his body. Grow up and man up for god sake!" Sim burst out his anger like crazy making everyone gape like a fish.
Thar is astounded with what Sim told him and deep inside he is ashamed with himself.
"And you, old woman" Sim looks at startles Nien when Sim look at him.
"Don't have to hate innocent people, what your son make is your grandsons, your blood no matter what you say. If you can't accept Tee then you shouldn't give birth to this old man at the first thing! We can't control the future and we can't turn back time so what we can do is accept whatever in front of us. All of us are adult and can think wisely so I ask for once, think with our head, not hate!" Sim blows up once again and look at all of them in the room before leaving and slamming the door hard.
Tae wants to clap hands with the speech Sim make. It is awesome, even the ending is perfect.

Accidental Roommate
FanfictionA story where a man is betrayed and lied by his own best friend that lead him to has a roommate that he never wants. He wants to leave but he can't, he needs to stay but not invited. How his life will happen with his accidental roommate?