-mistakes everywhere, not edited-
Tae insisted on sleeping with Tee in Tee's room because he claimed his room is dirty and messy. Tee allowed Tae to sleep with him with a condition, Tae will be wearing full set of clothes.
In the morning, Tee found pant and shirts on the floor, it belongs to Tae. He really want to get mad but he wants to see his father, maybe cook something for the old man too.
Tee tidies the house a bit before he decided to take a look into Tae's room. His jaw drops when he see how messy the room is. Tee starts nagging but ready himself to clean up everything.
It takes an hour to finish everything, cleaning the whole house. He looks at the clock, it's already 7.30 a.m., he wakes up early because he is excited.
He still remember a few things he bought two days ago, he started to make a soup and something else for breakfast. He also pack some for Godt and maybe Sim too.
Tee almost done when Tae walking toward him still sleepy, walking like a zombie with messy hair makes Tee laugh, Tae has consent on wearing pant this time just shirtless.
"Morning" greets Tae while hugging Tee from behind, Tee chuckles and greets Tae back.
He puts everything in the back and double check if he already has everything. Tae smiles when he see his breakfast on the table.
"let's shower, eat breakfast and then we can go to the hospital" Suggest Tee.
"Okay" Tae pulls Tee's hand to go with him into Tee's room.
Tee stops their walk when Tae wants to enter his room with him. They will take shower separately, not together.
"You, shower in your room" Tee sneaks away from Tae.
Tae pouts because he wants to take a shower together but still enter his room. They have an important morning ahead, Tee will see his father and Tae will directly see his future father in law. He knew Thar since their families are close but he rarely talk to Thar because, to be honest he dislike Thar for treating Godt like an outsider.
They have breakfast together in comfortable conversation, they are talking about anything, Tee able to calm his mind by making small talk.
"Let's go, Godt and Sim already there" Tae gets up from the chair and ready to go but Tee can't, he remains on his chair looking nervous.
"Tee" calls Tae softly, he caress Tee's hair. He understands what Tee is feeling right now.
"Phi, what if my father can't forgive me? I almost take his life away" ask Tee scared. He doesn't know what to do if his father blame him about the incident.
"Not gonna happen Tee. Godt texts me saying Uncle Thar keep asking about you. He will never hate you Tee, trust me" Tae smiles softly at Tee, Tee nods his head and hugs Tae's waist.
They enjoy their time for a few more minutes before Tee is ready to go. Tae make sure to keep calming Tee time to time, he will hold Tee's hand when he can whole driving, Tee let him because Tee needs lot of comfort.
Tee enter the hospital still holding hands, Tae help Tee to bring food in the other hand and they pass a counter while walking.
"Sir!" someone call them make they turn their head at the same time. A doctor smiles at them brightly.
"you must forgot about me already but I'm the one who treated you before, Dr Angela" she politely introduce herself and Tee remember it. He recognised the face but forgot the name.
Tae seems to forget everything already so he just smiles.
"you both ard really good together. If you guys aren't husband yet I want to go to your wedding but it's to late already" Angela giggles at that, she is the real BL fans.
Tee is confused for a moment before he remembered what the staff here told him, Tae smirks when he remember that he suddenly become a husband to Tee. They talk a bit more before excuse himself to visit Tee's father.
"It's funny phi, I pity her for not telling the truth" Said Tee when they are in the elevator.
"me too, but it will become the truth soon, I want us to get married" Tae stares at Tee sincerely, he wants to has Tee as a husband.
"it's too early to talk about marriage, we just be together for two days. It is still a long way"
"we can skip unimportant matters and jump to the wedding directly, what? You don't want to marry me?" ask Tae a bit hurt by what Tee said.
Tee sighs, he knows he make Tae upset with his words. He is still young and want to achieve a lot of things before settle down and have a family. Tae will not understand that because he is old already, he already has everything in his life, he has a good career and a successful man.
"I want to build a family with you Phi, just not now. Please, can we postpone talking about this?" ask Tee with puppy eyes, Tee knows Tae can't resist that.
"Fine" Tae gives up and kiss Tee on the head. Tee smiles and return the kiss on the cheek making Tae smiles broadly, he is easy to please.
They arrive in front of the door in no time, Tee is still not ready to enter it and Tae wait for Tee patiently outside together.
The door suddenly open, Sim is the one who open the door to go out, three of them shocked with the sudden encounter.
"Tae, Tee. I just want to call you to come faster. Uncle didn't want to eat and take his med" Sim frowns at that.
Tee sighs and take a deep breath before he enters the ward, Tae remains behind him with Sim.
"Tee!" calls Thar excited watching his son in here in front of him. He almost get down from the bed if Tee is not fast enough to go to his side.
"Dad, careful. I'm here" Tee make sure Thar is okay and stable on the bed.
Thar has tears in his eyes when he heard Tee call him as father. Thar pulls Tee into his embrace, he hugs Tee as tight as he can and Tee let it, he returns the hug. He also has tears in his heart, he feels warm and content like he is at his home. He has his family now.
Tee looks at Godt and nods his head asking for Godt to come to him. Godt smiles and hug both of them, his family, he has a real family now.
After the heartwarming hugs, they talk and Tee spend his time in the hospital for hours. Godt, Sim and Tae left because they need to work. Godt gives Tee a weak leave from the internship. Tee can't thank Godt more for giving him the leave.
Sim and Tae go to work together because Sim come to the hospital with Godt. Tae frowns at Sim because he is not happy with what he is seeing, Sim scowls at Tae for treating him like a hot potato.
"what are you not satisfied about?" ask Sim agitated, better solve this now before things go from bad to worst.
"stop flaunting Godt's marks. I don't want to see it, it's hurting my eyes!" scold Tae and Sim frowns. What mark?!
"What are you talking about?" ask Sim angry for Tae's sudden outburst.
Tae flops down the mirror that attach in the car.
"look at your neck" mutters Tae and Sim takes a look at it.
"Shia!!! I'm going to kill Godt!!!" Yells Sim angrily, the red marks everywhere on his neck. No wonder Godt didn't let him see himself in the mirror.
"I thought you want him to rest"Tae smirk watching Sim's stressed face.
"it's not my fault!" Sim pout when he remember how hard he wants to stop Godt from ravishing him last night. He also angry that Godt is more energetic than him this morning.
Sim leans on the seat dejected, what he should do with all the marks? He even has meeting with important clients today.
Tae silently laugh at his poor friend.

Accidental Roommate
FanfictionA story where a man is betrayed and lied by his own best friend that lead him to has a roommate that he never wants. He wants to leave but he can't, he needs to stay but not invited. How his life will happen with his accidental roommate?