-mistakes everywhere, not edited-
It takes a few hours driving to arrive Bangkok, it will be faster if they take the flight but none of them thinking about it. When they reach the hospital, it's already evening but Tee insist on seeing his father first.
"After you see your father, we will go home, eat and rest. Tomorrow morning we will come again, okay?" Tae wants Tee to promise him to follow the plan. Tee needs rest because both of them are tired.
Tee nods his head, he wants to see his father sooner, he doesn't want to be too late to make what is right, he blamed himself for making his father in this state.
Tae already know which floor Godt's father warded, they go directly to the ward. Godt is waiting outside when he see Tee and Tae coming.
Godt runs to Tee and hugs Tee tightly, he feels better when he see Tee is here in front of him. Tee glances to Tae because he doesn't know how to respond on this situation. Tae smiles and encourage Tee to return the hug, Godt need it.
"thank you Tee" Godt is thankful and grateful that Tee come here, their father need Tee.
"I'm sorry for running away and saying hurtful things" Tee regrets his word but he can't do anything to take it back.
"Don't be sorry, you deserve to say that." Godt looks at Tee and smile widely, Godt looks tired.
"How is dad?" ask Tee concerns, it feels weird on his tongue to call that, he never thought of calling anyone like that.
"he is stable now but still not conscious. Doctor said maybe he will be awake tomorrow" Godt explain more about what doctor told him about their father's health.
After they talk some more Tee said he wants to enter the ward and talk to his father. Godt let Tee in and wait outside with Tae. Doctor advise them to let the patient rest and not visit him a lot at the same time.
Tee walks slowly to the bed, he has tears in his eyes watching his laying father. He might be the reason all of this happened and he can't help but blaming himself.
Tee sits on the chair, his hand shakes when he try to touch the old hand. Tee takes a deep breath and hold the hand in his, he caress it softly. The touch, it feels magical because he feels calmer with the warmth of the old hand.
"I'm sorry dad, I'm here now. Dad" Tee's tears roll down on his cheek, he feels calmer when he forgive and accept their relationship. He feels a lot better and like a new person.
He fixes his glasses and try to stop his tears, he smiles watching the old man face. He doesn't look alike very much but he has his father's hair, maybe the same black orbs too. Godt has the same eyes with him, as he remember, his mother has brown orbs.
Tee just silently staring at his father's face, it is a bit pale but he glads that everything is stable now. Sometimes he feels the hand tighten on his hold when he touch and talk to his father, the small response makes him happy.
After a while Tae opens the door, Tee promised to rest and go home with him. Tee doesn't want to leave but he wants to look better when he see his father tomorrow. He softly let go of Thar's hand and walk to the door. He holds Tae's hand tightly, he is not ready to leave yet.
"Phi Godt, you should go home too. Tomorrow we will meet here early morning. I'm sure Dad will be fine here, besides the nurse will call you if something happened" Tee pities Godt who still wearing the suit, he must come here after work.
"That's right Godt. Get some rest, I'm sure your dad will be happy to see his sons are healthy when he opens his eyes tomorrow" Tae agrees with Tee, Godt look tired.
"I need to call someone to pick me up, I left my car at office" mutters Godt, taking out his phone to make a call.
"I will send you home. Let's go" Tae decided. Tee nods his head agree with Tae. Godt sighs and thanked Tae for the kind offer.
Three of them walk to the car when Godt's phone ring, he smiles before answering the phone.
"I will take you home! No matter how stubborn you are, you need rest! You hear me?!" the voice from another side is really loud and sound angry, Godt needs to put away his phone from his ear to protect his eardrum.
"listen babe, I..."
"No excuse! I'm already here in the parking lot. Come right now or I will go up there and pull your ears to make you obey me!" warns the angry kitten again. Godt chuckles at cute warnings.
Tae and Tee can hear some of the voice too, it's really loud and Tae already shaking his head, he knows that voice very much.
"Yes, babe, listen to me, I'm already..."
"I'm going up!"
"babe! I'm here at the parking lot..."
'toot...toot...toot...' line disconnected.
Tae laughs heartily at that while Godt is confuse and panicked. He needs to stop his lovely boyfriend from entering the hospital because he is already outside.
Tae calls someone on his phone, Tee remains at his side confused of what is going on.
"What?! I'm busy!"
"Godt is here with me, at the parking lot near the emergency exit. We will wait here for you" Tae disconnect the call after that. He told Godt to wait with them here.
Godt keep looking around to find his lovely boyfriend's silhouette. Till he found a man walking to them real fast.
Godt walks to meet Sim in the middle before Sim jumps into his arm, they are hugging tightly ignoring people watch them from far.
"I'm so gonna bring you home, you hear me?" ask Sim with an angry face. Godt laughs and nods his head. He doesn't has any energy left to defy his boyfriend's order.
"Tee!" Sim is excited when he looks at Tae and Tee here, they are holding hands.
Tee is still confused but doesn't say anything back. Sim comes to him and hugs him this time, for what?
"Thank you for accepting your father and thank you for accepting my stubborn best friend and my giant boyfriend. You are an angel" Sim likes Tee, so much than he likes others. He wants to keep Tee in his pocket because of Tee's cuteness.
Tae and Godt sigh at Sim's antic, Sim is manly but when he found something cute he is hooked to that for a long time.
"yeah" replies Tee back, he really doesn't know what else to say.
Tae pulls Tee away from Godt and Sim, he opens the door for Tee and enter his side before he drives away. They will get no rest if he let Sim start talking.
Tee chuckles when they leave the hospital ground, Sim is really funny for him. It's rarely happened where he accepts people easily in his life but he doesn't mind to add a few more in his life. It feels good, he is happy.

Accidental Roommate
FanfictionA story where a man is betrayed and lied by his own best friend that lead him to has a roommate that he never wants. He wants to leave but he can't, he needs to stay but not invited. How his life will happen with his accidental roommate?