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what if?

Jisoo watched the ocean of students entering the cafeteria as the bell rang indicating that it is time for lunch break.

Looking at different people, you wouldn't know who hated who and who liked who. You wouldn't guess it right away because you never try to see through. She thought.

Jisoo turned her attention to Lisa who's now busy with her food and phone. She remembered Hoseok. Just like Vantae, Hoseok can't seem to express his feelings for Lisa just yet. And it excites her where his attraction could end up.

"Hey, Lisa." Jisoo called. Lisa raised her brows without sparing Jisoo a glance. She nudged her arm and finally, she looked at her.


"Have you read Vantae's book? The one with his confession in it?" Jisoo asked.

Lisa rolled her eyes on her.

"I swear, Unnie. If you're gonna talk about Vantae again now, please. My ears are hurting just by hearing your compliments for him." Lisa whined that caused Jisoo to giggle.

"No... it's not that. Well, maybe. But yeah, have you read the latest update?" Jisoo asked again.

Lisa pouted before looking at her. "I read some of his stories sometimes... and I've also read the few chapters of the book you're referring to, including the latest one."

"What do you think?"

"It's weird. He's familiar but not? I don't know," she answered. Her forehead creased. Jisoo raised on eyebrow on her as she picked her glass of juice and sip on it.

"Vantae? I didn't think about him like that. He seemed distant. That kind of a writer. Like... unreachable? But that's not what I meant," Jisoo mumbled. Lisa looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue.

"What if... What if you have a close friend who's... I don't know how should I address this but, yes. You have a friend who's in love with you?" Jisoo asked her; observing her expressions.

She looked away from Jisoo. Eyes narrowing as if thinking about something critically.

"What if one of our friends like you, Lisa?" Jisoo asked straightforwardly as she got tired of the stretched silence after her question.

She again looked at Jisoo. "Yeah, what if someone like me in our circle of friends? Well, I've already memorized the smell of your farts. So maybe, no. I don't know." She laughed. Jisoo shook her head and laugh as well.

"You would not give that person a chance? Even one date?" She pushed the topic.

"Maybe yes? I don't know. They should confess first and we'll see," Lisa said and continued eating with a smile on her face.

"Let me ask you the same. What if someone in our circle of friends like you too, Unnie?" Lisa asked. Jisoo gasped, taken back by her question.

"There's just no way." Jisoo said and finished her glass of juice.

She roamed her gaze around. She spotted Taehyung and Chaeyoung chatting as they neared them. She saw a ghost of smile in their faces.

They seem to get closer these days. Jisoo thoughg. She wonder if one of them like each other but too scared to confess too, like Hoseok and Vantae.

"It's possible, Unnie." Jisoo heard Lisa said before she waved cheerfully when she spotted Taehyung and Chaeyoung.

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