십 | 10

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"Oh, for my peace's sake. Will you stop that?" Yoongi irritatingly spat at Jisoo, snapping the girl back to her senses. 

"What?" She innocently asked, unaware of her fidgeting. 

"You're making me just as anxious." Yoongi glared at her.

Jisoo ignored Yoongi and stared back at her phone, the screen black for quite a while now. She unconsciously started tapping her nails on the table.

Yoongi sighed, giving her his full attention now. "That's it. What's the matter?"

Jisoo took a few seconds to gather her thoughts before turning to face Yoongi. The boy raised his brow at her, awaiting what she will say. 

"It has been nearly two weeks..." She started. 

Yoongi just gave her a questioning look, urging her to continue.

"It has been nearly two weeks since Vantae updated." Jisoo said, shoulders shrinking. 

"That is what all this is about?" Yoongi snickered.


Yoongi shook his head, giving Jisoo a bored look before giving his attention back to his phone. 

"It's just unusual that he hasn't been updating! He usually updates at least twice every week. It's strange, right?" Jisoo rambled to no one as Yoongi was determined to shush the other one by ignoring her. 

"I wonder if something happened—" 

"Or maybe, he just wants his time for himself—away from impatient and noisy people like you—just like how I want my peaceful lunch back. Stop fidgeting this instant. Your favorite author has a life outside that goddamn app." Yoongi blurted out.

"Wow, that's like... the longest sentence you have ever uttered your whole life." Jisoo laughed, anxiousness thrown out the window as she teases Yoongi. 

Yoongi, ever the master of self-isolation, jammed his earphones in his ears, earning a snort of laughter from Jisoo. Her amusement only grew, fascinated by her friend's hilariously transparent attempts at ignoring her.

"What's going on here?"

Jisoo's laughter died as Chaeyoung sat beside her, drawing her attention. She froze when she registered not just the girl's presence, but also Taehyung's who is now seated beside Yoongi. 

Jisoo's gaze settled on Taehyung. Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes met. He was already looking at her, a hint of something unreadable swirling in his orbs.

Neither of them looked away until some of their friends arrived a few seconds later, shattering the silent understanding that hung between them.

Not a word was exchanged between the both of them as their group filled their table with laughter. 

Later that day, during Jisoo's last class, her phone vibrated on her arm chair. She spared a glance at it, eyes widening after seeing the notification she has been waiting.

[ _vantae.writes updated adamant mellifluous attraction adamant mellifluous attraction...]

Jisoo quickly unlocked her phone and opened her Wattpad app. She was about to start reading when her phone vibrated once more. 

Taehyung: I'll bring you home today. 

Jisoo studied the message until it disappeared. A sigh escaped her lips, Vantae's update forgotten as her mind lingered on Taehyung's message. 

What now? She thought. 

Her gaze drifted casually over two empty seats, then snagged on Taehyung. A subtle smile played on her lips as their eyes met, a silent question hanging in the air.

An unexpected lightness bloomed within her. Was it relief? Perhaps.

a/n: this is quite long. nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed this. stay safe. <3 

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