Chapter Thirty-Four ✧ Grimoire

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AN: Jessica's outfit is up top.

Trigger Warning

This chapter will mention child loss/miscarriages. If this is a trigger for you, please do not read.

Jessica chuckled as she went through the file retaining information on her disappearance, shaking her head at the report

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Jessica chuckled as she went through the file retaining information on her disappearance, shaking her head at the report.

"Nope, that's wrong," She shut the file, throwing it back on the table in Steve's living room.

The man looked to her, brows raised, "Oh?"

"Hurricane Georges was not me, I was Hurricane David- September 3rd, 1979," Jessica met his eyes, "No casualties. Got beat up for that one, two broken ribs and a bruised hipbone from being hit by a steel-toed boot. But, it was worth it if no one died."

Steve grimaced, pursing his lips a bit at the thought of Jessica being beaten as she looked back down at the manila folder. She ran her fingertips along the paper, tapping it twice before she looked back up at Steve.

"It could be worse... it was much worse at times."

"Jess, you don't have to tell me," Steve whispered, moving from the box of plates he was packing away.

Jess gave him a grim smile, resting her hand on the cushion to her side whilst saying, "Steve, I think today is the day that I tell you everything you need to know."

"Are you ready to?"

"I don't think I will ever be ready, hero," Jessica bit her lip, shaking her head rapidly, "But I need to get it out. It's eating at me that you don't know the truth."

Steve moved to sit beside her, resting his hand on her knee, "Are you sure?"

"I am," She grasped onto his hand that was on her leg, "But, Steve, you need to prepare yourself yourself for the hurt I have unknowingly put you through."

Jessica's heart was beating out of her chest as she spoke evenly, "When everyone thought you died, Howard had tried to help me find you for three days. We found the tesseract and I... I had a low point. I continuously made myself sick over losing you. I did not eat or sleep, all that I could do was cry."

"I'm so sorry," Steve whispered, voice holding every ounce of remorse, "I broke our promise to one another."

"I don't blame you, Steve," Jessica leaned forward, cupping Steve's jaw as she choked down her tears, "I never once did. You did what any one should do. You were a hero. You still are."

Steve shook his head, "But look what happened to you. I did this."

"No, you didn't, Steve. It was a collection of things. Losing Bucky and you was the most unimaginable pain, feeling what I thought was you both dying. I didn't know the half of it."

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