Chapter Twenty-Six ✧ Hiding A Friend

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AN: Jessica still has the same outfit as the last chapter. She's only briefly in it.

Next chapter is when it's going to get interesting.

Steve sighed as he stepped out of the truck they had stolen from the mall, gravel crunching under his boots

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Steve sighed as he stepped out of the truck they had stolen from the mall, gravel crunching under his boots.

His eyes were locked onto the front gate as he brought his hand out and knocked on the door Chess was leaned on. The brunette woman stirred and slightly sat up, allowing Steve to open her door and put out his hand for her to take.

"Are we here?" Chess sleepily grumbled, eyes fluttering open under the tendrils of her bangs. Steve nodded, "This is it."

Chess took his hand and allowed him to help her out of the truck, her heels clacking as she set foot on the ground. Her eyes wandered over to Natasha, who looked away as Chess caught her staring back at her.

The Stark woman only sighed, a hardened look crossing her features as Steve moved behind her to grab his shield that was beside her in the truck.

Steve slammed the door shut and began walking as Natasha spoke aloud, "The file came from these coordinates."

"So did I," Steve whispered, jaw clenching and unclenching after a moment.

A few minutes later, after Steve broke the lock, the trio was silently walking through the dark camp, the sun having disappeared under the horizon.

Natasha was scanning the camp as Steve said, "This camp is where I was trained."

"Change much?" Natasha asked, not looking at Steve. The man simply blinked, looking up at a flag pole, "A little."

Steve couldn't help his heart clenching in his chest as he felt as though he was sucked into a memory, the image of Jessica dancing through his head.

He heard the yells of his drill sergeant, Jessica beside him urging Steve on with a small smile. His eyes drifted over to the side of the camp, the man intaking a sharp breath as he caught sight of the now much larger willow tree Jessica had kissed him under.

He shook his head at his past self.

You walked away from her, you idiot.

From beside him, Chess tilted her head, whispering, "Steve? You okay?"

Steve blinked rapidly for a moment, lips pricking at the memory of Jessica's pink ones on his. He sniffed, turning to her with a brief nod as his lips pursed.

"This is a dead end. Zero heat signature, zero waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must have used a router to throw people off," Natasha huffed, causing Chess and Steve to turn to her.

Chess rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, "I think I got the location correct. There's no way that they lied, Natalia."

The brunette woman looked back to Steve, who was glancing behind her girlfriend and said, "What is it?"

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