"He walked into my heart like he always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire."
"I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You're my first thought in the morning, you're my la...
If you haven't read the important author's note at the beginning of this act, please do so. It has information you need.
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Despite never knowing Loki or fighting in the battle of New York, Jessica felt a sense of urgency to find the Infinity stone inside of the Asgardian's scepter from three years ago.
A part of her hated the stone, in fact, it had been the source of a major anxiety leading up to the mission in Sokovia to infiltrate the Hydra base in the secluded snowy woods. Especially because she had been there before.
Despite the self-inflicting pit in her stomach, Jessica didn't let the past eat away at her as she jumped from tree to tree above Natasha and Clint, who were in a car below, shooting at all the agents from Hydra.
Jessica moved quickly from tree to tree as her hands began to glow a bright blue, fingers curling as she sent ice particles into the air. The snow suddenly hardened into ice and Jessica jumped over to it, sliding down beside the moving car with her friends in it.
She landed in a tumble, toes lifting her off the ground gracefully as she ran alongside the car, Natasha turning to her with a slight smile as Tony flew above them.
Thor's yell took Jessica from Natasha, the woman feeling the heat of another car on the back of her legs. She suddenly jumped into the air once more, the snow following and turning into a thigh block of ice.
The car behind her slammed on their breaks when she landed on the top of the ice wall, eyes and fingers blue as she manipulated the snow to quickly turn into water and then freeze around the breaks and wheels. It suddenly flipped and Jessica smirked to herself before turning swiftly and jumping to the ground with a tumble.
Her legs moved quickly under her as a roar of a motorcycle engine flooded her ears, knowing Steve was nearby. She ran after him when he turned a slight corner, watching as he dragged a Hydra agent through the snow.
Blasts went off nearby and Jessica's eyes turned almost an orange copper, hands looking as though they were flames as the fire shot through the air and into her hands. She began running once more, shooting the fire toward every agent in sight.
Of course she hated the thought of hurting anyone, but these were the men that had done her wrong. And, yes, she knew that perhaps it wasn't the greatest justification... but they had taken everything from her.
So, Jessica continued.
She briefly met Sylvi's blue eyes as the snow from between the trees turned into a large wave of water, wiping out dozens of agents from beside the Hulk. The women with water manipulating capabilities then moved along the others, Jessica jumping over the vehicle Nat was driving beside her husband, who was still driving his motorcycle, and the other Avengers including Cali.