Chapter Twenty-Seven ✧ The Highway

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AN: Jessica's outfit is up top.

Get ready, it's about to get bumpy.

Senator Stern laughed as he and Jasper Sitwell, along with their security, left a restaurant, stomach full from their lunches

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Senator Stern laughed as he and Jasper Sitwell, along with their security, left a restaurant, stomach full from their lunches.

"Listen, I gotta fly home tonight, cause uh...I got some constituency problem and I got to press the flesh," He told, Jasper Sitwell turning to him with a smirk as they descended down the stairs.

Sitwell rose a brow, "Any constituent in particular, Mr. Senator?"

" Uh... no, not really," He shook his head, causing them to stop in their tracks, "Twenty-three, kind of hot. Real hot. You know, wants to be a reporter, I think. I don't know, who listens at that point?"

"Doesn't sound much of a problem to me," The Hydra agent chuckled. The Senator pressed a hand against his back, "Really? Because she's killing my back. But this isn't the place to talk about it."

Stern's eyes glanced down to the lapel of Sitwell's jacket, reaching forward and pressing his fingers to it.

"This is a nice pin."

Jasper Sitwell smirked, giving him a knowing look, "Thank you."

"Come here," The Senator gestured, clasping hands with his friend and bringing him in for a light embrace. Then man whispered into his ear, "Hail Hydra."

He began walking away, only to stop on the second step, pressing his hand against the same spot as earlier, "See, it's right there."

"I just saw that, yeah."

"Should I get it checked?"

"I think you should."

Jasper Sitwell watched as the Senator walked away, chuckling to himself before his phone rang that was in his suit pocket. The man licked his lips, seeing Alexander Peirce's name on the screen and turned to the security beside him.

"I need a minute. Bring the car around."

The men immediately left and Sitwell answered the phone, voice firm, "Yes, sir?"

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch?" Sam Wilson asked, smirking to himself as he watched Sitwell's face drop from afar, "I hear the crab cakes here are delicious."

"Who is this?" He questioned, jaw clenching as his hand gripped onto the phone harder.

Sam shrugged despite the man not being able to see him and said, "The good-looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o'clock."

Jasper Sitwell turned and Sam rolled his eyes, "Your other ten o'clock."

Sam rose his strawberry lemonade in the air as Sitwell spotted him, saying, "There you go."

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