"He walked into my heart like he always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire."
"I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You're my first thought in the morning, you're my la...
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Jessica chuckled as Steve walked through her hospital room, hands full of numerous variations of lemonades as he held the edges of two bags of chips between his teeth.
"You need help there, hero?" She smirked, moving her legs to move off the bed.
He immediately shook his head, mummering through grit teeth, "Don't you dare. You stay there."
"You know, I can handle myself," Jessica told as he held his head over the bed, opening his mouth to let the bags drop.
"Oh, I know," Steve chuckled, "But that doesn't mean my man complex doesn't beg for me to take care of you."
"I told you to get that fixed a long time ago."
Steve simply shrugged at her smirk, "Guess I'll just have to work on it."
Jessica chucked and moved to put her legs back under her, tilting her head at the packaging of the two bags of chips
"Hot Cheetos and Cheetos?"
Steve nodded, gesturing to the food, "They're the only two you haven't tried in the vending machine. I figured we should do something as they file your discharge paperwork. Chess should be here soon with the a few things for you."
"What are you making her get from your apartment exactly? You know you could have left the hospital," Jessica rose a brow, a knowing smirk gracing her lips as Steve pushed her by her hips.
Jessica scoffed, saying, "Excuse me."
"You're excused," Steve smiled, making Jessica roll her eyes. She put her hand out, saying, "Lemonade me. You got the blueberry one this time?"
"Well aren't you demanding," The blond man met her eyes as she turned to him. Jessica smirked, "I always have been Stevie boy, you just were so in love with me you didn't see it."
Steve shook his head, "So hilarious."
Jessica wrinkled her nose at him and took the lemonade from his hand, leaning over and grabbing the Hot Cheetos from the foot of her bed. She opened the bag, peering into it making her eyes widen.
"They are bright ass red, Steven," She turned to him, "And they smell."
Steve chuckled and reached into her bag, grabbing a few before placing them in his mouth. Jessica watched as he smirked, narrowing her eyes before doing the same.
"Oh my god," Jessica's eyes widened, turning to Steve, "These are fucking amazing."
"Did we find a winner?" He chuckled, opening the bag of regular Cheetos, "You weren't a fan of the sour cream and onion ones despite the green bag which I thought would appease you."